Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Asbestos and the Environmental Effects - 986 Words
Hazardous materials can be silent killers, almost every household or workplace contains various harmful substances therefore it is important to have the basic knowledge of these contaminants, where to find them, and what to do if exposed. Asbestos is a natural occurring mineral that is used in a number of different materials. Asbestos is not a concern if left undisturbed; however renovation, reconstruction or demolition can disturb these materials and release asbestos fibers into the air. Asbestos fibers can be inhaled and become trapped in lung tissue which increases the risk for several serious diseases. Asbestos is a well recognized health hazard and is highly regulated. A natural mineral asbestos has been mined and†¦show more content†¦After 1973 there was a huge reduction in asbestos use although the devastation before that time will be with us for years. Once the dangers of asbestos became more understood, many responsible government agencies sought to limit or ba n the use of asbestos and regulate asbestos exposure. The United States Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for monitoring asbestos levels in workplaces and communities, and has banned the use of asbestos in new products since 1989. Asbestos removal is an expensive and hazardous process. Situations where removal may be required including remodeling, major structural changes, if the asbestos material is damaged and can not be repaired. Repair usually involves sealing or covering the asbestos material and only effective for undamaged asbestos containing materials. Repair is just a temporary measure and all asbestos will eventually have to be removed. Removal is complex, and should (in many cases, legally must) be done only by a contractor with special training and licenses. Improper removal may increase the health risks to those exposed. In addition, the asbestos removed must be managed according to the state and federal asbestos regulations and a notification to the Environmental ProtectionShow MoreRelatedSilent Spring By Rachel Carson Essay1720 Words  | 7 Pagesthought could not be harmful was asbestos. Asbestos Network defines asbestos as, â€Å"A disease cause by exposure to asbestos fibers.†Asbestos fibers are artificially created by humans often use during various man-made construction projects to make stable interiors to create buildings. Asbestos fibers were high in production due to humans finding many purposes for the chemical (Asbestos Network). The authors of gives some examples of items that contains asbestos such as â€Å"Insulation for electricRead MoreAsbestos Poisoning1056 Words  | 5 PagesASBESTOS POISONING I. ABSTRACT Asbestos poisoning also called as asbestosis is an interstitial pulmonary fibrosis that is caused by asbestos exposure. 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