Sunday, August 23, 2020
Essay on Ion and Ionic Bonding
5 College Cash-Saving Tips 5 College Cash-Saving Tips So the finish of semester is about here, and I surmise your financial balance is getting really low. What with books, lease, food, and the infrequent throughout the night party, I’m speculating you need some cash sparing counsel at this point. It’s in every case hard to monitor cash when you are examining, thus we’ve incorporated some incredible money sparing tips for you. You’re welcome! 1. IOU In the event that you live with your companions, you’ll realize that it is so natural to wind up owing $10 to a great extent. Be that as it may, in the event that you let it abandon pursuing it up, you may wind up losing a great deal of cash! Luckily, there are some free applications out there to help. Give a shot Splitwise to ensure each one of those dollars hit you up! 2. Make a Budget No doubt, it’s exhausting creation spreadsheets. Interestingly, you don’t need to any longer! That's right, were prescribing more applications to make your life simpler! Attempt My Supermarket to monitor what you spend and look at costs at the market. 3. Avoid the Agencies Rental offices can be extremely costly to utilize. Have a go at leasing from a free landowner rather in the event that you can. Use destinations like Craigslist to discover freely claimed properties. What's more, make certain to look at your privileges as an inhabitant. 4. Get it for Free! Don’t purchase anything, check whether another person is parting with it first. It’s consistently worth looking at destinations like Freecycle to check whether anybody nearby is parting with what you need! Frequently you’ll find extremely extraordinary stuff being tossed out. 5. Make some compensation Guests On the off chance that the entirety of your flat mates are leaving for summer or Christmas occasions, why not list your home on Airbnb as a method of making additional money? Simply settle on sure to check your tenant contract first to ensure that sub-letting doesn’t refute your agreement.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Spelling Reform and the Writer
Spelling Reform and the Writer Spelling Reform and the Writer Spelling Reform and the Writer By Maeve Maddox A peruser, reacting to Case of the Missing is: foliage, verbiage, small scale , asks sensibly: Can’t we change the spelling? Prior to the boundless utilization of word references, the response to this inquiry would have been obviously we can! Not any longer. The free and simple utilization of individual spellings to pass on the way to express the word proposed by the individual composing has not been a choice since the center of the seventeenth centuryat least not for authors who wish to abstain from having their believability addressed. Endeavors to regularize English spelling started as some time in the past as the 1550s and change bunches are still grinding away. A portion of the proposals would require a serious expectation to absorb information. Reformer Thomas Smith (1568) expanded the letters in order to 34 letters and put stamps over throughout the entire the vowels. John Hart (1570) included unique characters for sounds that dont have letters in the English letter set, for example,/ch/and/sh/. William Bullokar (1580) made a framework that utilized additional letters, accents, punctuations, and different snares above and beneath letters. Printer Ben Franklin advanced spelling change by having an exceptional text style cut with additional images, and endeavors have been made in later occasions to change spelling to fit in with elocution. In 1898 the National Education Association received 12 rearranged spellings in its distributions: tho, altho, thoro, thorofare, through, thruout, program, inventory, prolog, decalog, demagog, and pedagog. A look at the NEAs site recommends that theyve abandoned everything except two. During the 1940s the Bible and a few works of art were printed utilizing a phonetic arrangement of spelling created during the 1830s by Isaac Pitman (the shorthand man). Customary English spelling resembles our family members: to be whined about, yet not effortlessly abstained from. This concentrate from an examination by Noah Webster (immediately surrendered, coincidentally) delineates how terrible and inside conflicting a changed framework can be: There iz no alternativ. Each conceivable reezon that would ever be offered for modifying the spelling of wurds, stil exists in full power; Overall, English speakers stay not interested in the endeavors of spelling reformers, and that is something beneficial for journalists. Authors, surprisingly, need to acknowledge and treasure the assortment of English spelling. Take this model from Robert Sklars Movie-Made America: Once admitted to the affections of reel life, film supporters needed their dreams proceeded with whole into reality. Sklar couldn't have composed that sentence with its play on reel and genuine if English had just one spelling for the long E sound. TIP: Traditional English spelling is a valuable thing in the authors tool stash. Need to improve your English quickly a day? Get a membership and begin accepting our composing tips and activities every day! Continue learning! Peruse the Spelling class, check our well known posts, or pick a related post below:10 Grammar Mistakes You Should Avoid20 Pairs of One-Word and Two-Word Forms10 Tips to Improve Your Writing Skills
Friday, August 21, 2020
Prescription Drug Abuse
Professionally prescribed Drug Abuse Presentation. At the point when we consider tranquilize addicts and misuse we typically consider individuals who take the regular road medications, for example, cocaine, split, courageous woman, or other illicit medications. Anyway the vast majority dont acknowledge or pay attention to the developing number of abusers of physician recommended tranquilizes at present in our nation. There is a typical confusion that in light of the fact that a specialist recommends a specific medication that that is by one way or another more secure and not the same as utilizing the alleged road drugs. All things considered, you are being given a medicine to take the medication by your doctor, and it isn't unlawful or a wrongdoing. In any case, we should understand that compulsion isnt restricted to simply unlawful medications in the city, however frequently specialist endorsed prescriptions also. Physician recommended drugs have improved and spared endless quantities of lives throughout the years the same number of new advancements have been accomplished in science and medication in treating an assortment of known infections. â€Å"However, utilizing these medications without the oversight of a doctor or for purposes not quite the same as their planned use can prompt genuine unfriendly outcomes, including passing from overdose and physical dependence. Since numerous professionally prescribed medications are frequently sedative based, when manhandled, these medications can be as addictive and hazardous as illicit drugs.†1) (Pat Moore Foundation | Prescription Drug Abuse, 2009). As per (M.D ,Volkow, 2005), executive at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2) â€Å"an assessed 48 million individuals (ages 12 and more established), have utilized doctor prescribed medications for non-clinical reasons, which speaks to roughly 20 percent of the U.S. population.†Also, 3) â€Å"in 2000, around 43 percent of medical clinic crisis confirmations for tranquilize overdoses (almost 500,000 individuals) happened as a result of abused physician endorsed drugs, and in â€Å"2006 alone, 700,000 crisis room visits were ascribed to professionally prescribed medication overdoses.†4) (Thibodeau, 2009). This sort of medication misuse is expanding at a disturbing rate due to their broad accessibility, including on the web drug stores which have made it a lot simpler for anybody paying little heed to age to procure drugs without a solution. (Doctor prescribed Drug Abuse Information | Drug Rehab Programs, 2009). 3) â€Å"One of the most well-known and essential strategies for getting physician recommended sedates by addicts is by specialist shopping as indicated by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).†5) This strategy alludes to an individual who constantly look out changed specialists to endorse similar prescriptions so as to take care of their addictions. I consider most us either know or have known people or even relatives who have turned to this kind of conduct so as to get physician endorsed drugs for this reason. The most widely recognized kinds of medications that are regularly manhandled are focal sensory system depressants, for example, benzodiazepines or sedatives, much of the time recommended for uneasiness and resting issue, narcotics and opiates for help with discomfort, and energizers, for example, those given for consideration shortage hyperactivity issue, (ADHD), narcolepsy, and corpulence. 6) (Prescription Drug Abuse Chart Drugs of Abuse and Related Topics NIDA, 2009) â€Å"For model, U.S. solutions for energizers (counting those taken for ADHD) expanded from around 5 million of every 1991 to very nearly 35 million out of 2007. Remedies for narcotic painkillers, for example, oxycodone (OxyContin) and hydrocodone (Vicodin) expanded from 40 million of every 1991 to 180 million in 2007.†7) (Mayo Clinic, 2008). I feel the purposes behind this critical increment in professionally prescribed medication misuse is basic. We live in a general public today that discloses to you a pill can fix and take care of the entirety of your issues regardless of what they are. We should simply turn on the TV and see the steady barrage of ads for the most recent doctor prescribed medications available. Subsequently, the pharmaceutical business is making billions of dollars off of individuals and is absolutely not going to gripe, in this way promising and driving the pestilence much more. Moreover, these medications are generally simple to acquire and are socially satisfactory by most by far of people in general contrasted with unlawful medications. In only the previous quite a while, we have seen the development and multiplication of numerous â€Å"pain clinics†all through the United States. In spite of the fact that not all are awful, a portion of these offices as expressed by 8) (Silverman Brown, MD, 2009), â€Å"are regularly non-doctor possessed and work simply inside the law. The doctors who practice in these offices are once in a while licensed through board confirmation forms, and many take no protection and promote secret, money just administrations. Some even promote outfitted watches in the sitting areas. With no oversight, these offices fill in as a hotspot for a consistent flexibly of controlled substances to in many cases dependent and now and again naãÆ'â ¯ve individuals. It isn't exceptional to discover patients of these offices accepting a huge number of milligrams of narcotic meds each month.†With these kinds of projects and facilities working and empowering such medication misuse, I feel that the individuals who truly need these drugs are regularly the ones who endure, for example, people with excruciating fatal infections and ailments like disease. I encountered this direct with my mom quite a long while prior when she was determined to have terminal lung malignant growth that had metastasized to her bones, and defenselessly watched her experience the ill effects of agony. While she was experiencing radiation medications at a malignant growth center, her PCP there expressed that she should utilize Advil to help with her torment and that the legislature was taking action against plan tranquilizes that were recommended. My reaction to this is, if malignant growth patients cannot get the important agony drugs they frantically need, yet addicts can get all they need, at that point there is something extremely amiss with this nation we live in and our social insurance framew ork. End. What is imperative to perceive and get mindful of about doctor prescribed medication misuse is that it is a lot of equivalent to different types of unlawful medication misuse, for example, cocaine or heroin, and nobody is resistant. It very well may be similarly as hazardous and savage as other unlawful medications, and influences people all things considered, races, sexual orientation, and financial foundations. It can likewise devastate families, employments, and homes just as having deadly wellbeing outcomes. Truth be told, utilization of professionally prescribed medications currently causes a bigger number of passings than heroin and cocaine joined, as per the U.S. Medication Enforcement Administration.†9) (Treatment Solutions Network, 2009). Moreover, with the ongoing unfortunate and troublesome passings of VIPs, for example, Michael Jackson, Anna Nicole Smith, and Heath Ledger identified with physician endorsed medicate misuse, I feel this issue is at last being brought to the bleeding edge and uncovered, carrying a genuinely necessary attention to the threats and results of mishandling professionally prescribed medications. References: 1) Pat Moore Foundation | Prescription Drug Abuse. (n.d.). . Recovered December 6, 2009, from endorsed sedate maltreatment 2 M.D ,Volkow, N. (2005). NIDA Research Report Series Prescription Drugs: Abuse and Addiction. Recovered December 6, 2009, from 3) Prescription Drug Abuse Information | Drug Rehab Programs. (2009). . Recovered December 6, 2009, from http://www.prescription-tranquilize 4) Thibodeau, D. (2009, October 20). Physician recommended tranquilize misuse currently beat illicit medication use | GoDanRiver. Recovered December 7, 2009, from 5) Drug Addiction Doctor Shopping Chronic Pain Medication Addiction. (2009). . Recovered December 6, 2009, from 6) Prescription Drug Abuse Chart Drugs of Abuse and Related Topics NIDA. (2009). . Recovered December 6, 2009, from 7) Mayo Clinic. (2008). Physician endorsed sedate maltreatment MSN Health Fitness Addiction|Quit Smoking. Recovered December 6, 2009, from subjects/dependence/articlepage.aspx?cp-documentid=100211994 8) Silverman, MD, S. M., Brown, MD, L. (2009). Physician recommended Drug Abuse: In the US and Florida. Recovered December 7, 2009, from 9) Treatment Solutions Network. (2009). Physician recommended Drug Abuse and Addiction. Recovered December 6, 2009, from recommended tranquilize abuse.html Physician recommended Drug Abuse Physician recommended Drug Abuse Sophia Ranta  â Searching through the tales on the web, I went over a stunning, tribute of a lady who got dependent on OxyContin. Her name was Cheryl. She experienced Fibromyalgia, which made her be in steady agony. At the point when her torment turned out to be excessively terrible, she went to see her family doctor. Quickly, her doctor endorsed her OxyContin, yet focused on the fact that it was so critical to follow the right measure of dose. From the outset, she was cautious and careful. Quickly, Cheryl enjoyed the sentiment of not being in torment any longer. She hungered for the medications strength, so she started mishandling the medication. A portion of the symptoms that Cheryl experienced were: weight reduction, power outages, confinement, no close to home cleanliness care, and general bedlam all around her. Despite the fact that she visited her primary care physician consistently, he never went through over 10 minutes with her. She had the option to fool him into composing another remedy wi thout fail. In the end, the manner in which she broke her habit was the point at which she overdosed and experienced heart failure. The specialists had the option to spare her life.ã‚â Then she started the long street of recuperation and restoration. Since the organization of sedatives is frequently accidentally abused and manhandled, with addictions flourishing, another point of view is expected to make proper consideration plan
Mark Twains Two Ways of Seeing a River Reading Quiz
Imprint Twains Two Ways of Seeing a River Reading Quiz Two Ways of Seeing a River is a portion from the finish of Chapter Nine of Mark Twains personal work Life on the Mississippi, distributed in 1883. The diary relates his initial days as a steamer pilot on the Mississippi and afterward an excursion down the waterway a lot sometime down the road from St. Louis to New Orleans. Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) is viewed as a magnum opus and was the main bit of American writing to recount to the story in casual, ordinary language. In the wake of perusing the paper, take this short test, and afterward contrast your reactions and the appropriate responses at the base of the page. In the initial sentence of Two Ways of Seeing a River, Twain presents an allegory, looking at the Mississippi River to:(A) a snake(B) a language(C) something wet(D) a lovely lady with a savage disease(E) the fallen angels highwayIn the principal passage, Twain utilizes the method of rehashing catchphrases to stress his central matter. What is this rehashed line?(A) The grand river!(B) I had made a significant acquisition.(C) I despite everything remember an awesome sunset.(D) I had lost something.(E) All the effortlessness, the magnificence, the poetry.The nitty gritty portrayal that Twain gives in the principal section is reviewed from whose purpose of view?(A) an accomplished steamer captain(B) a little child(C) a lovely lady with a lethal disease(D) Huckleberry Finn(E) Mark Twain himself, when he was an unpracticed steamship pilotIn the primary passage, Twain depicts the stream as having a bronzed flush. Characterize the descriptive word ruddy.(A) unrefined, harsh, incomplete cond ition(B) having a solid form or solid constitution(C) motivating compassion or compassion(D) ruddy, rosy(E) slick and organized How are Twains remarks on the nightfall scene in the second section not quite the same as his portrayals of it in the first paragraph?(A) The accomplished pilot is presently ready to peruse the waterway instead of wonder about its beauty.(B) The more established man has become exhausted with life on the stream and basically needs to return home.(C) The waterway appears to be strikingly unique at dusk from the manner in which it shows up at dawn.(D) The waterway is enduring because of contamination and physical decay.(E) The more seasoned and more astute man sees the genuine excellence of the waterway in manners that the more youthful man would most likely make fun of.In passage two, Twain utilizes which hyperbole in the line concerning the streams face?(A) blended metaphor(B) oxymoron(C) personification(D) epiphora(E) euphemismIn the last section, Twain brings up issues as to the way that a specialist may look at the substance of a lovely lady. This section is a case of what techniqu e?(A) meandering ceaselessly from the subject(B) drawing an analogy(C) making a progress to a totally new topic(D) intentional in exactly the same words reiteration to accomplish emphasis(E) let-down ANSWERS:1. B; 2. D; 3. E; 4. D; 5. A; 6. C; 7. B.
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Essay about Insanity
Essay about Insanity The literally works by Sylvia (The Bell Jar) and by Ken Kesey (One flew over the cuckoo’s nest) made significant impact on the field of literature. The work that was done in the 1960s marked a major milestone in development and advancement of literally work. The two books were able to advance the theme of insanity and are still relevant event to date. The main characters in the books make the reader of the books to understand the true meaning of insanity in a society. Insanity which sometimes may also be referred to as craziness is behavioral spectrum that is characterized by some specific abnormal mental or behavioral tendencies. The two books have been able to advance the theme through the conduct of the main characters in the books. The fundamental meaning of the literally work by the two authors The literally work by Sylvia (The Bell Jar) is more than just a confessional novel. It depicts a comic but painful sentiment of what happens to a lady’s aspirations in a society that does not take them seriously. The setting of the book represent a society expects electroshock to remedy the despair of a sensitive, inquisitive young artist whose search for self identity degenerate to terrifying descent nearing to madness (Bloom, Harold 33). It’s a piece of work that highlights the life of a young who is vulnerable wins a dream assignment on a big-time New York magazine and finds that she is plunged into a nightmare. Sylvia’s work is basically a fine novel as bitter and remorseless as her previous poem. Its most significant quality is an astonishing closeness, like a series of snapshots taken at high mid-day. The work can also be described as special poignancy that is a special force and shows the vulnerability of persons of hope and goodwill. The other book by Ken Kesey (One flew over the cuckoo’s nest) is also an interesting piece of literally work. His work is arguably one of the most fantastic novels of an individual pitted against the depersonalization of an industrial society (Bloom, Harold 63). His work has been able to demonstrate the challenges that are faced by people in modern civilization. The author is able to convey some of his ideas through some rich imagery, for instance the line the inclusion of the sentence that indicates the truth, even if it never happened, sets the reader of book up from the initial stages for an interesting story where the reader perceives the situation more accurately as it reflects the truth more than the outward appearance of things. The reader would be interested to find out what the truth was and what happened instead. That notwithstanding, the story can however be a bit confusing at some points since the narrator is a paranoid schizophrenic and this poses some challenges as it is hard to differentiate between reality and hallucinations of the narrator. The book is a unique literal work as it is told from the point of view of a paranoid schizophrenic and resonates very well in analysis of the theme of insanity. Literary devices used by the authors in the two books The two books have employed distinct literary devices. Sylvia’s books have some quite interesting characters. Esther Greenwood is the protagonist in the story who became mentally unstable. She became tormented after the death of her father coupled with the feelings that she does not fit into culturally acceptable task of womanhood and subsequently attempt to commit suicide (Bryfonski, Dedria 45). Doreen is the other conspicuous character in the story and she portrays a rebellious young lady. Esther the main protagonist finds Doreen’s confident personality very enticing albeit troublesome. The theme of insanity in the story is demonstrated more in by the character named Joan who apparently is an old friend of Esther. She joined Esther in the asylum but eventually commit suicide. There are two doctors that Esther encounters while at the asylum. Doctor Nolan is a beautiful and caring lady. Because of her societally-praised femininity and her professional capability facilit ated her to perform a therapy on Esther that yielded positive results. Doctor Gordon is the very first doctor Esther encounter in the asylum. The story depicts him as self-obsessed and somehow patronizing. His treatment services to her are complete contrast of the one offered by Doctor Nolan since he administered shock treatment that finally leave her haunted. Ken Kesey in his book One flew over the cuckoo’s nest also has some interesting characters. One of the main characters is Chief Bromden who is the narrator who has been with the mental hospital since the conclusion of World War II. This character pretend to be deaf and mute and it is through this guise that he has been able to become privy to some to the dirtiest secrets in the ward. A series of events that included humiliation of his father by the US government as well as his white wife led him to descend to schizophrenia (Bloom, Harold 73). He believes that, a large mechanized system control the society. He calls this system – the combined. It shows how member of society suffering from insanity perceive the world and the predicament they go through. Randle McMurphy is a rebellious convict who is sent from normal prison. He has been found guilty of battery as well as gambling. Although he has never been of statutory rape, he has been charged often. The highlight of th is character is that, he is transferred from prison work farm to the hospital and although he thought is was an easy way of serving his term, he end up turning violent with the nurse thereby costing him his freedom, health and also his life. Nurse Ratched represents the face of staffs of the hospital. She is the tyrannical head nurse of the institution and her exercise total control over those under her care. One of the most significant aspects that represent how male in society is demonstrated when McMrphy failed to lift a heavy shower room control that he had claimed he can lift and due to embarrassment remarked that, at least he tried. This shows how men get incentive to stand up for themselves in certain situations. The imageries used by Sylvia in the book at the initial stages set raises the interest of the reader. The sentiments use of words such as queer, sultry summer creates a mental picture that arouses the reader’s interest to study the book (Bloom, Harold 33). Analysis on Comparison of the two books and how they contrast each other The two books have advanced the theme of insanity very well. The characters in the two books have advanced the theme. The setting of under which the books are established is in a hospital which help the reader to fathom the theme of the stories. The books however differ in some aspect of the characters. Ken Kesey story uses a pretentious character that pretends to be damp and as he interacts with other people in the hospital, he becomes privy to some of the secrets in the ward. Sylvia’s story does not adopt this style. Sylvia’s story advances the theme from a woman’ perspective while Ken’s story advances the theme from a man’s point of view. If you need a professional essay writer to get your essay paper written from scratch, just contact our professional custom writing company
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Solving Bullying Essay - 275 Words
Solving Bullying (Essay Sample) Content: NameInstitutionCourseDateSolving BullyingProblem-solving helps to seek resolution to a disagreement or removing barriers to the realization of goals or realizing enhancement. Therefore, creativity plays an essential role in the realization of these objectives. It is imperative that identification of the problem and the opportunity to take advantage of the situation. Psychological inertia keeps individuals from thinking outside the box as they are victims of their perception (Higgins 10). Many people have been forced to take random attempts to solve their problems, which makes the situation more chaotic. Personal experienceCareful evaluation of the performance of the students who were bullies showed that they scored poorly in classwork. We used this information to discourage other potential bullies as it leads to low grades and poor relations with the administration. We used the examples set by the best performers as obedient and disciplined students. The benchmarking was essential in comparing the best practices and behaviors of students with their performance. The students understood that best behaviors and discipline translates into better performance. The use of teachers and invited guest to speak to students about the effects of bullying helped in transforming the students perception on the vice. Looking for opportunities starts by reading and asking on new trends and the methods of realizing these opportunities. I believe that benchmarking is an essential approach in problem-solving in schools. Comparing the behavior of best performing students helps to send a message that discipline translates into success.Responding to someone elseI am endeared towards solving the problem of bullying in school and brainstorming has provided me with an opportunity to find ideas. I consulted with fellow students on the means of ending the scourge that has affected performance. More so, many students feel that their safety and psychological being is threaten ed. The brainstorming session provides an avenue for students to air their views on the best approach to solving bullying. I have learned through the process that it is critical to listen to the ideas as they provide means of solving the problems, although others are farfetched. One student suggested that the bullies should be expelled from the school. The ideas proposed are extreme and against the school regulations; however, the lesson learned is that we should listen to others so that we can envision opportunities (...
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Crucible By Arthur Miller - 1191 Words
The Crucible Author s Purpose In the town of Salem in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, a mass of hysteria broke out. It all started in the spring of 1692, when a group of adolescent girls claimed the works of black magic within the village. This ultimately led to a â€Å"series of investigations and prosecutions that caused 19 convicted ‘witches’ to be hanged and many other suspects to be imprisoned†(Salem witch trials 1). Sparked by interest over such a series of tragic event, Arthur Miller produced an original play The Crucible to depict the haunting madness. However, Arthur Miller s sole purpose for writing and producing The Crucible would be to not only give his audiences exposure, but to also give them a little â€Å"taste†of all the delusional hysteria that took place in that small village. Through his play, he conveys the messages about a theocratic society within Salem and how the lack of separation between state and religion, ultimately led to recurring themes that are also refl ected in modern society such as hypocrisy, intolerance and fear. Arthur Miller begins Act One of The Crucible with an overture in which was written to bring his audience to an understanding of the historical background. In this overture, he mentions about a theocracy society. In which he states, â€Å"For good purposes, even high purposes, the people of Salem developed a theocracy, a combine of state and religious power whose function was to keep the community together, and to prevent any kind of disunityShow MoreRelatedThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1269 Words  | 6 PagesAt first glance, the playwright Arthur Miller in The Crucible highlights the historical significance of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, but in fact it is an allegorical expression of his perception of McCarthyism. If the reader has some background information on Arthur Miller’s victimization as a communist, it is evident that the play is a didactic vessel illustrating the flaws of the court system in the 1950’s. The communist allegations were launched at govern ment employees, entertainers and writersRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1681 Words  | 7 Pagesof their way to the last dying breath to make sure they leave with a good or bad reputation. In one of the recent literature study in class â€Å"The Crucible†by Arthur Miller, Miller uses characterization to illustrate reputation throughout the play. â€Å"The Crucible†takes place in Salem, Massachusetts. It is based upon the Salem witch trails. In â€Å"The Crucible†, we journey through the life of three characters who reputations plays a major role in the play. The three characters are John Proctor, AbigailRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1333 Words  | 6 PagesAs the various characters in The Crucible by Arthur Miller interact, the dominant theme of the consequences of women’s nonconformity begins to slide out from behind the curtains of the play. Such a theme reveals the gripping fear that inundated the Puritans during the seventeenth c entury. This fear led to the famous witch-hunts that primarily terrorized women who deviated from the Puritan vision of absolute obedience and orthodoxy. Arthur Miller presents his interpretation of the suffering by subtlyRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller998 Words  | 4 Pagesmotivated by jealousy and spite. The Crucible is a four-act dramatic play production that was first performed on January 22, 1953. Arthur Miller used dialogue within the characters to cover the multiple themes; conflicts and resolutions, plus the few directions for the different actions of the play. The Salem Witch Trials were intended to be performed as the play however, when read, it can be more carefully examined and broken down to analyze the techniques. Miller, the playwright, uses literaryRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1145 Words  | 5 PagesUnbalance Through The Centuries In Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, the author reflects the persecution of communists in America in the 1950’s through a recount of the Salem witch trials. It is often presumed that Miller based his drama directly off of events that were particularly prevalent in the years surrounding the publication of The Crucible- which was released in the year 1953, towards the conclusion of the Korean War. Although there was not a literal witch hunt occurring during this timeRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1063 Words  | 5 PagesIn the English dictionary, there are three definitions of the word crucible. One is a metal container in which metals are mixed and melted. Another is a severe test. But the third definition, and the one that I think fits the best for this book, is a place or situation in which different elements interact to create something new. In my mind, this fits because all of the characters had their little grudges and dirty secrets. But when all th ose seemingly little things interact, they formed somethingRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1285 Words  | 6 Pages Rationale, Morality, Stereotypes, Pressure, Self-Censorship, Unanimity, and Mindguards. Groupthink has also taken place in our history a a country. The play, The Crucible by Arthur Miller is about a the real-life Salem Witch Trials that happened in 1692 - 1693, in Salem, Massachusetts. Some symptoms of Groupthink found in the Crucible are Rationale, Pressure, and Self-Censorship. The Groupthink symptom, Rationale, is described as when victims of Groupthink ignore warnings: they also collectivelyRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller811 Words  | 4 Pages While The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, is only a four act play, it still resembles the format of a five act play. The five-act structure evolved from a three-act structure, which was made famous by Roman Aelius Donatus. Donatus came up with three types of plays: Protasis, Epitasis, and Catastrophe. The five-act structure helped to expand the three act structure, mainly made famous by Shakespeare through his many tragedies. Even though The Crucible contains only four acts, it still has the commonRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1052 Words  | 5 PagesBuddy Al-Aydi Ms.Healy English 9 CP 14th October 2014 The Crucible Essay The Crucible was a novel written by Arthur Miller in the 1950’s. It was written in a format of the play, portraying an allegory of the Salem Witch-Hunts led by Senator Joseph McCarthy. The book is known to have a inexplicable plot. This plot is advanced by multiple characters in the book in order to ensure that the reader maintains interest with the material that is being read. The farmer, John Proctor, would be theRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller841 Words  | 4 PagesThe Crucible is a chaotic play, throughout this American classic Arthur Miller takes the reader through multiple events of terror and insanity. While creating a great on-stage play, Arthur Miller portrays his life through the events, the characters, and plot of The Crucible. Using vivid imagery and comprehensible symbolism, Miller manipulates the real personalities of the characters and events in 1600 Salem, Massachusetts to create a symbolic autobiography. Throughout this play, the reader experie nces
Personal Branding - 1056 Words
Personal Branding Plan Paper MKT/421 7/20/15 Personal Brand Plan I am an IT Professional with over 8 years of experience working with hardware, software and network engineering. Throughout my career I have held various positions including several leadership roles. The IT industry is a very technical field where individual contributors are critical to the success of the organization. With the extensive leadership training and experience I have gained, has allowed me to stand apart from my peers and take a more active role in the organization and its strategy. I continuously strive for my own personal development, including going back to school as an adult to achieve my bachelor’s degree. I understand the importance of†¦show more content†¦I would focus on making my resume concise and highlight accomplishments in my current and previous roles that relate to the skills listed on the job posting. Ensuring that my resume would sell what I have to offer to the company. I would then look to apply via the appropriate channel. If I could a pply in person I would but with most companies these three now require candidates to apply via their online method. Often these companies follow similar hiring practices and all three utilize the social media platform LinkedIn to search for potential candidates. I would look to ensure that my social media accounts are up to date and highlight the skills I have acquired. I would also look to use this platform to identify the recruiter or hiring manager for this position. The hardest part about finding a new position is getting the initial interview and being aggressive in making personal contact with the hiring team is one way to gain an advantage in this area. Once my resume is completed and I have been able to set up an interview I would look to research the company to ensure that I am well educated about general facts and information on the company. This is very important for preparing the interview process and what may be asked. Often these companies focus on behavioral intervie ws where they are looking for a candidate to take their prior experience and provide an example of whatShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement : Personal Branding Essay1454 Words  | 6 PagesPersonal branding is a concept that is geared for all people. It is not just for famous people. Suze Orman started off like a normal person, but now she carries a strong name brand.  A simple person who wants to be successful and start branding their name. Years later, they  may become a normal brand name in someone household.   The high increase in online searches and social media platform, personal branding, is relevant. According to Cohen (2014), personal branding is a necessity and marketersRead MoreHow Effective Is A Personal Branding? Essay1032 Words  | 5 PagesColumbia How effective is a personal branding? Contents Introduction 3 We can say 3 What is understood as personal brand? 4 The Greatest Example 7 Conclusion 8 Introduction Achieving a successful personal brand is today the main way to achieve professional achievement. The visual image provides the opportunity for the human being to feel, appreciate, value the brand for the first time. Why you and not any other? By working, enhancing our personal brand we can get it to reflectRead MoreWhat Is Personal Branding And How Effective It Can Be For Actors?1120 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Define what your brand stands for, its core values and tone of voice, and then communicate consistently in those terms†(Mainwaring, n.d.). Personal branding is the message you intend to send to others that is a reflection of you, your values, and what you stand for. Branding yourself is vital in the business world today considering it can help you with, better opportunity discovery, better networking career advancement, and better success. 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Is it only because of the talents possessed by these individuals or something beyond that? Do these personalities â€Å"brand†themselves and consciously do or refrain from doing things that affect their brand image? We all already have a personal brand, every personRead MorePersonal Branding1567 Words  | 7 PagesPersonal Branding is already conflicting with Company Branding outside the work place. A middle school teacher was suspended with pay for making remarks about her students on Face Book (Norwalk, 2010). A woman was fired after criticizing her boss on face book (â€Å"Fired over Facebook,†2011). A young man was rejected for a position at Cisco because he tweeted that he had to weigh the fat paycheck against the drive and work (Popkin, 2009). These e xamples go on and on. Entire sites have been dedicatedRead MorePersonal Branding1628 Words  | 7 Pagesa wonderful web community. The Internet has revolutionized career development for personal empowerment, self-management and networking. It allows us to discover, create, communicate and maintain out personal brand for our future. The Web gives us the opportunity to promote â€Å"our brand†for ourselves by joining a social network and using our page as a billboard to advertise our talents and goals. Developing a personal brand makes us a more valuable asset, whether to the company we work for, a potentialRead MorePersonal Branding Essay823 Words  | 4 PagesThe Future of Personal Branding Last November, I wrote a blog on the rise of the personal brand as the next great disconnect in online marketing. I named four reasons why personal brands would become more important in the near future. But I see a fifth reason why how a person brands themselves will be an important part of the future. Recently, Mark Zuckerburg and Elon Musk made their opposing opinions about the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) known all over social media. It is the rise ofRead MoreMy Personal And Professional Branding968 Words  | 4 PagesElements My personal and professional branding are the same: being passionate about not limiting myself by my thoughts or actions, I am here to push the boundaries with those around me. This may sound simple, but there is a lot that goes into it. Building a network of strong, confident people is the key to being successful. My goal is to keep building these professional relationships as well as in my personal life with the help of social media and goal setting. For my professional branding, I am seekingRead MorePersonal Branding Of Lisa Mazurek2128 Words  | 9 PagesPersonal Branding of Lisa Mazurek Introduction The following will bring a glimpse into my personal branding journey. It is more information than the average student, but what is age today in respects to a college student? This will include an indirect and direct view in how the brands were introduced, in my lifetime and how it carried into a new generation. Our textbook provided a viewpoint in regards to when one has reached â€Å"Resonance†by stating; â€Å"When you achieve Resonance your external message
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Asbestos and the Environmental Effects - 986 Words
Hazardous materials can be silent killers, almost every household or workplace contains various harmful substances therefore it is important to have the basic knowledge of these contaminants, where to find them, and what to do if exposed. Asbestos is a natural occurring mineral that is used in a number of different materials. Asbestos is not a concern if left undisturbed; however renovation, reconstruction or demolition can disturb these materials and release asbestos fibers into the air. Asbestos fibers can be inhaled and become trapped in lung tissue which increases the risk for several serious diseases. Asbestos is a well recognized health hazard and is highly regulated. A natural mineral asbestos has been mined and†¦show more content†¦After 1973 there was a huge reduction in asbestos use although the devastation before that time will be with us for years. Once the dangers of asbestos became more understood, many responsible government agencies sought to limit or ba n the use of asbestos and regulate asbestos exposure. The United States Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for monitoring asbestos levels in workplaces and communities, and has banned the use of asbestos in new products since 1989. Asbestos removal is an expensive and hazardous process. Situations where removal may be required including remodeling, major structural changes, if the asbestos material is damaged and can not be repaired. Repair usually involves sealing or covering the asbestos material and only effective for undamaged asbestos containing materials. Repair is just a temporary measure and all asbestos will eventually have to be removed. Removal is complex, and should (in many cases, legally must) be done only by a contractor with special training and licenses. Improper removal may increase the health risks to those exposed. In addition, the asbestos removed must be managed according to the state and federal asbestos regulations and a notification to the Environmental ProtectionShow MoreRelatedSilent Spring By Rachel Carson Essay1720 Words  | 7 Pagesthought could not be harmful was asbestos. Asbestos Network defines asbestos as, â€Å"A disease cause by exposure to asbestos fibers.†Asbestos fibers are artificially created by humans often use during various man-made construction projects to make stable interiors to create buildings. Asbestos fibers were high in production due to humans finding many purposes for the chemical (Asbestos Network). The authors of gives some examples of items that contains asbestos such as â€Å"Insulation for electricRead MoreAsbestos Poisoning1056 Words  | 5 PagesASBESTOS POISONING I. ABSTRACT Asbestos poisoning also called as asbestosis is an interstitial pulmonary fibrosis that is caused by asbestos exposure. 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To prepare a site specific Environmental Management PlanRead MoreTechniques Used For Salvage A Performance Or Interaction That Is Going Sour1116 Words  | 5 PagesE.) Face-saving behavior/pg.113: techniques used to salvage a performance or interaction that is going sour. In the film about what happened in the asbestos disaster in Libby, Montana gives us a major display of face saving behavior that is almost sickening to watch. We see this behavior come out in the tapes from the court case in which the owner of W. R. Grace was being questioned on the events that had transpired in the years in which the plant in Libby was active. The prosecutors begin to questionRead MoreAsbestos And Its Effects On Society1515 Words  | 7 Pages Asbestos is a small set of minerals that occur naturally in the environment. These minerals are silicate compounds, which means they contain silicon and oxygen; they form as groups of fibers that can easily be separated. 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Pollutants can have acute or chronic effects, which depend on the concentration and type of pollutant and also the duration in which an organism has been exposed to the pollutant. The pollutants effects, such as asbestos, could take a long time to arise, for example, a person exposed to asbestos could develop a chronic lung condition as the asbestos could accumulate in their lungs and the effects of this could occur for a long time (Doll and Peto, 1985). In comparisonRead MoreSafe Disposal Of Insulation Material1555 Words  | 7 Pagesto humans and environmental hazards to the environment which will be discussed in a bit more detail further on, and also a brief look at how and why insulating materials were used in different purposes within electrical networks and different types of insulating materials used across Australia. Insulating materials come in all forms shapes and sizes, be it solid material, gas or oil each material has a certain use. 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Decision-Making Essay - 1378 Words
The decision-making process occurs at all levels of management. However, the top executive managers, middle level managers, and front line managers are responsible for guiding the decision making process within their healthcare organizations (Liebler McConnell, 2008,p.148). CEO’s are responsible for guiding the actions and behaviors of their employees to collectively achieve the organization’s goals. The mission and vision statement are the foundation of what direction the healthcare agency is heading. The CEO and top level executives are responsible for developing code of ethics and code of conduct to align with accreditation, licensing, and federal and state laws. Decision-making is a commitment of time, human resources and†¦show more content†¦Top-level executives and key managers are at the helm of the decision-making process with the focal point being selecting the best choice. Selecting the best choices or alternative of choices derive from assess ments, interviews, surveys and audits that evaluates the strategic position of the selected choices. Consequently, the chief executive officer at some point should show how the middle-managers, front-line managers, employees and client fit into the decision-making process. Decision-making concerning staffing and work performance are part of the healthcare mid-level and front-line managers’ job functions. The following scenario will reveal a healthcare manager deciding to use the option of procrastination which is exercising the no-decision option. Liebler and McConnell (2008) argues, â€Å"Whether by conscious act or unconscious act (genuinely forgetting), the effect of the no-decision option is to decide not to decide†¦and often it is the decision of the most potentially serious and far-reaching consequences†(167). The healthcare manager must avoid the no-decision option in this scenario because there is a lack of considering the alternatives in the decision-making process. Also, the healthcare manager allows a platform for negligence and liability in selecting the no- decision option. In the scenario, â€Å"TheShow MoreRelatedDecision Making820 Words  | 4 PagesQuestion 1: Which biases in decision making can be identified in the performances of both Pieterson and Gack? How can the identified biases be overcome? In general, the decision making style for manager approach decision making is toward rational and intuitive thinking. In rational thinking a person consider the problem in a rational, step-by-step and analytical way. Rational thinking person will resolve a complex and complicated problem into smaller part and then resolve them in a rational,Read MoreDecision Making1296 Words  | 6 PagesQues: What are the reason why two perfect individual are never two perfect couples. with the 7 decision making process solve the problem.  The 7 decision making processes are:  1. Define the problem 2. Identify limiting factors 3. Develop potential alternatives 4. Analyze the alternatives 5. Select the best alternatives 6. Implement the decision 7. Establish a control and evaluation system Introduction A perfect marriage may be an illusion although the people involve may be perfectRead MoreDecision Making : An Evaluation810 Words  | 4 PagesDecision-Making Generating potential solutions, evaluating the solutions, deciding, checking the decisions and communicating and implementing the decisions were the six areas covered during the quiz (cite). 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It is a systematic inquiry whose objective is to provide the information that will allow managerial problems to be solvedRead Moreethical decision making1211 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ Ethical- Decision Making University of the Rockies Mabel Drafton Abstract Countertransference is how therapists distort the way they perceive and react to a client (Corey, Corey, and Callanan, 2011). Therapists are expected to identify and deal with their own reactions with consultation, personal therapy, and supervision that their clients will not be negatively affected by the therapist’s problem. Personal therapy is an effective way for therapistsRead MoreIndividual Decision Making vs Group Decision Making2832 Words  | 12 Pages‘Given the potential problems associated with group decision making, organisations should rely on individual decision making whenever possible’. How far do you agree/disagree with this statement? From the days when working conditions were under the strict rules of Taylorism, workers these days are required to be equipped with various soft skills and not to forget, the important value of teamwork. Organisations present-day depend heavily on teamwork. Questions such as â€Å"what strengths can you bringRead MoreSynergistic Decision Making1082 Words  | 5 Pages Synergistic Decision Making Tariq Shah OM-176 Group and Organizational Dynamics PSY 452 Module Two Organizational Management Professor Fabian April 15, 2015 Synergistic Decision Making Working with people is not easy at times. Many people rather work independently of others. I believe most of the reason for the individual deciding to work independent of others, is because they do not want to rely on others for their success or failure. If they can do it alone, they feel more in control ofRead MoreEthical Decision Making : Ethical Decisions1496 Words  | 6 PagesFacing Ethical Decisions How does a person determine what is right or wrong when making a decision? Most people faced with an ethical decision usually revert to their personal values that hopefully guide them through the decision-making process. Assessing values and morals are an important role when making ethical decisions and how others view a person after making that decision. â€Å"Once we grasp the underlying concepts of making important decisions, we need to know how to apply them.†(Fisher, 2005)Read MoreEthical Decision Making : Ethical Decisions1047 Words  | 5 PagesEthical Decision-Making The first step in the CPA (2000) ethical decision-making model is identification of the individuals and groups potentially affected by the decision. In the ethical scenario I presented earlier, the individuals directly involved and likely to be most affected by the decision include the 54-year old woman and myself as the counsellor. Those who will likely be indirectly affected by the decision would be the woman’s family, including her 20-year old daughter, and the agency
Decision Making is an Essential Process in any Organization Sample
Questions: 1.Do you think the term used by Barnard "Common Moral purpose" (pg. 103) is a good way to Describe what happens in work Organizations? Why or Why not? 2.Rational-Bureaucratic Organizations are Supposed to Develop the best means to achieve their goals. Based on your reading of Chapter 5 what would you say are some of the Obstacles to making the "best" Decisions about ways to reach a Goal or Solve a Problem? Answers: 1.Barnard had described the work organizations and the ways of working in those organizations as the common moral purpose. The description is appropriately used by the author, since organizations might be sited as cooperative systems that are integrated contribution of each of the individuals (Barnard and Thompson 2003). Organizations are also described as co-operations among the people with a common purpose. This is justified since in a work organization, each of the members are aligned together to achieve a common goal. The goal set is common and deliberate, in order to achieve a particular target. All the employees are aligned with the purpose of achieving the goal (Barnard and Thompson 2003). The efforts of the employees are also directed in a particular direction. Though the immediate goals might vary from one person to the other, however, the ultimate goals remain the same. The common moral purpose is the achievement of the goal by the employees, thus it has been rightly stated by the author. Moreover, the success of an organization depends largely on the formation of the work groups and aligning them for the achievement of the common goal (Denhardt and Catlaw 2014). An organization becomes a successful one when all the members are able to communicate with each other clearly, along with the willingness to cooperate and work together. Moreover, aligning together in order to achieve the common purpose is also a key element for a business organization to be a successful one. The elements of successful organization thus become communication, willingness to serve and achieve the goals, along with a common purpose. The common purpose varies from one organization to the other. However, the other elements remain the same. Thus, it might be concluded that it has been rightly mentioned by the author that work organizations are a common moral purpose, and is justified. 2.Decision making is an essential process in any organization. Appropriate decision making needs to be done such that the growth of the business organization is inevitable (Denhardt and Catlaw 2014). However, there are certain obstacles that hinder the process of best decision making. The process of decision making could face obstacle by inefficient division of work. The task division process is an essential one in order to achieve the goals in the stipulated time (Scott 2015). However, inefficient task division, or burdening one employee with a lot of work might hinder the decision making process. The authority hierarchy needs to be maintained properly. The process of decision making is mainly done by the authorities figure. Hence, lack of maintenance of authority hierarchy might lead to lack of efficient and best decision making (Shafritz et al. 2015). Moreover, formal rules and regulations need to be maintained by the organization. Thus, efficient decision making process is depend ent on the above mentioned factors. These are some of the essential factors that restrict the process of best decision making, in rational bureaucratic organizations. Some of the organizations face more decision making difficulties than the other rational bureaucratic organizations. This is due to the fact that the organizations facing more difficulties tend to maintain inefficient authority hierarchy (Shafritz et al. 2015). Moreover, the rules and regulations laid by the management are also not followed strictly. Hence, they face increased levels of difficulty in the process of decision making (Denhardt and Catlaw 2014). Thus, although rational bureaucratic organizations are supposed to take the best decisions, yet there are certain factors that hinder the process of best decision making. Mitigation of these factors would ensure best decision making. Once the decision making process is fulfilled successfully, the organization progress is inevitable. References Barnard, C.I. and Thompson, K., 2003.Organization and management: Selected papers(Vol. 7). Psychology Press. Denhardt, R.B. and Catlaw, T.J., 2014.Theories of public organization. Cengage learning. Scott, W.G., 2015. Chester I. Barnard and the Guardians of the Managerial State: The Moral Obligations of the Elite.Classics of Organization Theory, p.9 Shafritz, J.M., Ott, J.S. and Jang, Y.S., 2015.Classics of organization theory. Cengage Learning.
Managerial Accounting Report of Commonwealth bank †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Managerial Accounting of Commonwealth Bank. Answer: Introduction In the financial annual reports of the business organizations, one of the major aspects is the Remuneration Report of the Executive Directors. It is the responsibility of the executive directors of the business organizations to run the business in the proper way so that the business can earn significant revenues and profits. Regarding the executive directors remuneration report, a major allegation is that the executive directors are being paid with higher amount of remuneration and this is a major concern to the shareholders of the organizations (Ben Shlomo, Eggert and Nguyen, 2013). For this reason, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate the remuneration report of the executive directors of the companies. With the help of executive directors remuneration report, business organizations discloses all the strategies, methods and motives used in the remuneration structure of the directors (Weygandt, Kimmel and Kieso, 2015). Thus, it can be understood that there is a great significance of this report. This report starts with a brief introduction. After that, the literatures related to this topic are discussed. In the next steps, the remuneration structure and methods are discussed and compared. After that, based on the whole analysis, some recommendations are provided that is followed by suitable conclusion. The main aim of this report is to conduct an in-depth analysis on the executive remuneration report of two of the Australian banks. With the help of this report, one has the scope to know the various methods and strategies used to measure the performance of the executive directors of the business organizations. Review of Topic and Literature The regular and purposeful evaluation of the performance of the executive directors is an important objective of the business organizations. The process of effective evaluation of the executive directors performance is highly related to the corporate governance in the business organizations. Most of the companies measure the performance of the executive directors on the annual basis and this is a difficult process (Warren, Reeve and Duchac, 2013). This is called the Evaluation Cycle. The evaluation cycle is totally depends on the members of the board. The increasing expectations of the shareholders and the stakeholders force the companies to conduct a detailed scrutiny of the performance of the executive directors. In addition, it is the responsibility of the executive directors to assess their self-performance to achieve the ultimate objective of the organizations. The performance evaluation methodology of the organizations depends on the various requirements of that organization (2, 2017). However, it can be seen that there is not any universal format for the evaluation of the performance of the executive directors. There are different outcomes of the performance evaluation of the executive directors. It leads to minor amendments in the functions of the board and it also leads to the replacement of the whole body of board of directors. These outcomes need to be transformed into the actionable plans (S?omka-Gobiowska and Urbanek, 2014). Two kinds of performance evaluation processes are there; they are internal evaluation and external evaluation. Most of the companies use to conduct the process of internal evaluation; but in some certain cases, companies opt for the adoption of external evaluation by some external independent parties. Most of the companies form a performance evaluation committee to measure the performance of the executive directors. Based on the performance evaluation, the amount of remuneration of the executive directors are provided (, 2017 ). Company Review: Commonwealth Bank Commonwealth bank is one of the topmost banks of Australia. As per the directors report of Commonwealth bank, the major objective of the remuneration framework of this bank is to create sustainable value for the people, customers, community and shareholders of the company. As per the remuneration framework of Commonwealth bank, there are three major elements of the executive remuneration structure of the bank; they are Fixed remuneration, Short-Term Incentive (STI) at risk and Long-Term Incentive (LTI) at risk. The risk factor in the remuneration framework implies that the remuneration depends on the performance of the executive directors in the financial years against key performance metrics (Melis, Gaia and Carta, 2015). Fixed remuneration refers to base remuneration and superannuation that is cash salary. STI is equal to 100% of fixed remuneration but it is based on the performance of the executive directors. The rules of LTI is same as STI. It can be seen that the performance of the executive directors are measured based on the Balanced Scorecard method. Ian Narev, the Managing Director and CEO of Commonwealth Bank received $4,081,000 as overall remuneration in 2016 (, 2017). Remuneration Framework and Approach As per the 2016 annual report of Commonwealth Bank, there are two major components of the remuneration structure of the CEO and executive directors of the company; they are fixed remuneration and risk remuneration. Three major components of the executive remuneration structure of Commonwealth Bank are there; they are Fixed remuneration, Short-Term Incentive (STI) at risk and Long-Term Incentive (LTI) at risk. The equal portions of these three elements form the remuneration structure of the company. The main objective of the remuneration structure of Commonwealth Bank is to attract highly qualified and highly experienced executives ( 2017). Changes of Remuneration In the year of 2016, the remuneration committee of Commonwealth Bank reviewed the remuneration structure of the executive directors of the bank. The major focus of this review was to ensure that all the objectives of the remuneration structure have been achieved. At the time of the review, certain changes have been brought in the remuneration structure of the executive directors that will be applicable for the year 2017 ( 2017). The changes are discussed below: The method of balance scorecard for the determination of the short-term incentives of the executive directors will include an exemplary leadership assessment and exceptional personal demonstration of the vision and mission of the group ( 2017). There will be a new focus of 2016 GLRP on the people and community weighted at 25%. The main aim of this change is to measure the long-term progress and achievements in the areas of diversity, culture, customers satisfaction, performance components and others ( 2017). Remuneration Structure There are three main components of the remuneration structure of Commonwealth Bank are Fixed remuneration, Short-Term Incentive (STI) at risk and Long-Term Incentive (LTI) at risk. They are discussed below: Fixed Remuneration: Two major parts of fixed remuneration are base remuneration and superannuation. Base remuneration refers to cash salary and any salary specific items. The board of directors of the company uses to review the fixed remuneration structure on the yearly basis. The remuneration committee has the responsibility to determine the fixed remuneration of the executive directors ( 2017). Short-Term Incentive: The short-term incentive target for the executive directors of Commonwealth Bank is equal to 100% of their fixed remuneration. The short-term incentive of the executives is determined based on their measured performance against the process of balanced scorecard. The range of short-term incentive for the executives ranges from zero to 150% based on the performance of them. Out of the 100% short-term incentive, the executives get 50% of them in cash. The other 50% is deferred in the next year ( 2017). Long-Term Incentive: The long-term incentive target for the executive directors is 100%. The long-term incentive also depends on the performance of the executive directors at the end of the year. The vending period of long-term incentive is four years and the performance of the directors for the long-term incentive is measured against total shareholders return and the satisfaction of the customers. The main objectives behind the long-term incentive are to provide greater focus on the customers and to create long-term value of the shareholders. At the time of investing the long-term incentive, Commonwealth Bank does not provide any dividends to the executive directors ( 2017). Summary of Performance The performance of the executives is measured based on short-term and long-term basis. Both the aspects are discussed below: Short-term Performance: There is a 3% increase in the NPAT of the bank amounting to $9,450 million. It can be seen that the financial performance of the company was on target in the year of 2016. The performance in the aspect of customers satisfaction is above target in the year of 2016. In the market of retail banking, Commonwealth bank stood first as per the maximum number of Main Financial Institutions. The execution of the strategy was on target. Commonwealth bank has been a leader in the aspects of technological development in the banking operations. The performance in terms of people and productivity was on target ( 2017). Long-term Performance: In the year of 2016, The NPAT of the company is $9450 million as compared to $9137 million in the year 2015. In the year of 2016, there is a decrease in the cash earnings per share to 555.1 cents from 557.5 cents in the year 2015. Share prices also decreased in 2016 to $3.50 from $4.00 in the year 2015. Dividend per share remains the same in 2016 as compared to 2015 that is $4.20. Hence, it can be seen that the long term performance in the year 2016 is not as good as it needs to be ( 2017). The above discussion sheds lights on the executive directors remunerations structure of Commonwealth bank. For the purpose of comparison, ANX bank and Westpac bank are taken into consideration. In case of Commonwealth bank, the company has provided a solid performance as the net profit after tax increased by 3% amounted to $9,450 million. The company enhanced the Common Equity Tier1 capital ratio to 10.6%. In the sector of retail banking, the company achieved customer satisfaction above target. It indicates the effectiveness of executive directors remuneration structure of the company. In case of ANZ bank, the scenario is different. Total revenue of the bank in 2016 was 0.2% lower than the year 2015. In addition, the portion of economic profit was down by 56% amounting to $1,278 million. Return on equity was also down to 10.35 from 14% in 2016. Cash earnings per share were decreased to 202.6 cents in 2016 as compared to 260.3 cents in 2015. In case of Westpac bank, the situation is same as ANZ bank. The economic profit was down by 10% in 2016 as compared to 2015. Return on equity was also decreased in the year of 2016 as compared to 2015. Earnings per share in the year 2016 decreased to 235.5 as compared to 248.2 in the year 2015. However, the dividend per share increased in the year 2016 to 188 cents from 187 cents in 2015. The prices of the Westpac shares decreased in the year 2016 as compared to 2015 (Braun, Tietz, and Harrison, 2013). Hence, from the above analysis, it can be seen that the executive directors remuneration structure has paid dividends in case of Commonwealth Bank as the bank performed significantly wee in the year of 2016. However, in case of ANZ and Westpac banks, it can be seen that the performance of these two banks in the year 2016 was poor as compared to 2015. Hence, it can be understood that the executive directors remuneration structure for these two banks are not so effective as Commonwealth bank. Recommendations Based on the above analysis, some recommendations are provide below: It is recommended to these banks to take into considerations all the necessary financial aspects at the time of preparing the remuneration structure for the executive directors. It is recommended that all these banks need to disclose all the details about the remuneration structure of the executive directors to the stakeholders of the company. This process helps to build a relationship of trust between the company and the stakeholders. It is recommended that the companies need to follow all the rules, regulations and guidelines at the time of developing the executive directors remuneration structure. The inclusion of these aspects will increase the accuracy of the remuneration report. Conclusion The main objective of this report is to analyze and evaluate the various aspects of the executive directors remuneration structure for Commonwealth bank, ANZ bank and Westpac bank. As per the above discussion, it can be seen both Commonwealth bank and Westpac bank have same remuneration components that are fixed remuneration, Short-Term Incentive (STI) at risk and Long-Term Incentive (LTI) at risk. However, ANZ bank has different structure that are Fixed Remuneration, Variable Remuneration and Other Remuneration Elements. All the three banks use the technique of balanced scorecard to measure the performance of the executive directors. Based on the whole discussion, it can be said that among these three banks, Commonwealth bank is the most efficient as the company has performed well in the year of 2016. Hence, it can be said that the remuneration strategy of the executive directors is effective. On the other hand, both ANZ bank and Westpac bank have performed poorly in the year of 201 6 as compared to 2015. It indicates the ineffectiveness of the remuneration strategy of these two banks in the year 2016 References 2017, 2017.CEO Performance Evaluation and Executive Compensation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 May 2017]. Ben Shlomo, J., Eggert, W. and Nguyen, T., 2013. 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Executive Remuneration Policy at Banks in Poland After the Financial Crisis-Evolution or Revolution?.Comparative Economic Research,17(2), pp.25-44. Warren, C.S., Reeve, J.M. and Duchac, J., 2013.Financial managerial accounting. Cengage Learning. Weygandt, J.J., Kimmel, P.D. and Kieso, D.E., 2015.Financial Managerial Accounting. John Wiley Sons., 2017.ANNUAL REPORT 2016. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 May 2017]., 2017.Cite a Website - Cite This For Me. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 May 2017]. 2017, 2017.Performance Evaluation of Boards and Directors. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 May 2017].
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
The Pearl By John Steinbeck Essays - The Pearl, La Perla
The Pearl By John Steinbeck In The Pearl, by John Steinbeck, evil transforms certain humble citizens into envious savages. Evil was exhibited by the doctor who refused to treat Coyotito because his parents had no money. When the doctor heard of Kino and Juana's fortune in finding the pearl of the world (722), he boasted that they were patients of his while thinking of a better life for himself in Paris. Coyotito was healed when the doctor finally came to their straw hut. He deceived Kino by giving the baby a white powder that made him go into convulsions. An hour later he came and gave Coyotito the remedy and immediately wanted to know when he was getting paid. The evil in the pearl had reached the heart of the doctor. The pearl's evil did not restrict itself to infecting Kino's peers; it also affected Kino himself. He wanted to sell the pearl and use the money to better his family's standard of living. He had dreams and goals that all depended on the pearl. When Juana wanted to destroy the pearl, Kino beat her unmercifully: He struck her in the face and she fell among the boulders, and he kicked her in the side...He hissed at her like a snake and she stared at him with wide unfrightened eyes, like a sheep before a butcher. (742) Juana saw through the outer beauty of the pearl and knew it would destroy them, but Kino's vision was blurred by the possible prosperity the pearl brought. The malignant evil then spread to a secret cult known only as the trackers. This corrupt band of ruffians attacked and destroyed Kino's life. The very night that the trackers learned of Kino's pearl, they tried to steal it. The next night, Kino was attacked twice, which resulted in Kino committing murder. After the final struggle of the night, Juana went back to their home to find more baneful members of the heartless cult rampaging through their belongings to find the pearl. The end result was Kino and Juana's house going up in flames. The trackers then committed the cardinal sin, they destroyed Kino's canoe: This was an evil beyond thinking. The killing of a man was not so evil as the killing of a boat. For a boat does not have sons, and a boat cannot protect itself, and a wounded boat does not heal. (744) The trackers annihilated the most important material possession that any citizen of the community owned, ...for a man with a boat can guarantee a woman that she will eat something. It was the bulwark against starvation (717). The evil invaded Kino's life and everyone who knew of it Book Reports
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Essay For Project Objectives - Sample For Writing An Effective Essay
Essay For Project Objectives - Sample For Writing An Effective EssayIn any study you are going to look for some guide on how to write an essay for project objectives. This is a sample essay that will help you in your assignment. These topics can be so confusing, but they will be important to the teacher when they are evaluating your abilities. The way the sample essay is written will also determine how easy or difficult it will be for you to write a similar essay.Your task as the student is to select the topic that best fits your learning. Most of the essays are based on something, and you want it to have a main point that ties everything together. Usually the main idea is what you would like to emphasize in your paper. There are several topics you can choose from that will interest you the most. You should have an idea of what you want to do with the paper.One thing you can consider doing before you start writing is to gather some information about the topic that you want to write a bout. You can find different resources online that will help you in this step. You can use a website that is dedicated to helping students write an essay for project objectives and guide you to writing an essay that will be effective for the class.Your homework is to organize the information that you gathered to come up with a theme. You will then be able to determine the keywords that will make it easier for you to organize your paper. Make sure that the words that you use have meaning in relation to the topic. Avoid using slang terms. You are writing for a specific reason, so choose your words carefully.If you are one of those who need to learn about the basics of grammar, then you might want to learn about this in school before you write your paper. You might consider using an online grammar software. It is advisable that you brush up on your grammar before you start writing. If you have never read a newspaper or magazines to get used to the conventions of writing, then you will find it easy to learn when you read a sample essay for project objectives. You can also try the tips that are offered by professional writers who will assist you in making your essay a success.A basic structure for a paper like this will include a beginning, middle, and end. The center part of the paper will deal with the introduction. The rest of the paper will describe the main ideas of the paper. The paper usually follows a thesis statement that makes the topic simple and easy to understand.Writing a paper for project objectives is not a complex process. If you follow the directions in the sample essay for the project objectives, then you will be able to write an effective essay. Make sure that the first part of the paper has a proper structure so that you do not get lost.Writing a paper for project objectives requires very little skill on your part. You will only need to remember the basic information that you learned in school and also keep your eyes open for new ideas and tips . Your objective should be to convey information in a clear and concise manner so that the students will be able to understand your points. Your essay will also come across as being well organized so that the reviewer will give you a thumbs up for your achievement.
Monday, March 16, 2020
Whats a Good SAT Score for Your College
What's a Good SAT Score for Your College SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You’ve thought about your dream colleges and are wondering what SAT score will get you accepted. While there is not one number that will guarantee you a spot in the freshmen class, there is a range that will give you the best chance of admission. What is it? I'll answer that and more in this article. Colleges’ SAT Score Range and What They Mean for You To figure out what score you should aim for, you should look at colleges’ SAT score range.The score range represents the scores that admitted students received.Typically, colleges provide you with scores from the most recent applicant pool. The Score Range will be given to you in one of two ways: 25th/75th percentile or average SAT.The 25th percentile SAT score means 25% of admitted freshmen scored at or below that number (or 75% of admits scored higher).The 75th percentile SAT score means 75% of admitted students scored at or below that number (or 25% of admits scored higher).The average SAT is simply the average of all admitted students’ SAT scores. The score ranges will help you understand what kind of score you need to be a competitive applicant to that university, since after looking at it, you'll know what SAT scores admitted students received.Before figuring out exactly what score you should aim for, you need to figure out what schools you hope to attend. Make a List of Target Schools If you haven't done so already, create a list of your dream colleges. This list should not include your safety schools.A safety school is a college that you're almost certain you can get into with the SAT score and GPA you have now. This list should include the more selective colleges that you hope to attend. You should exclude the safety schools because you want to plan your target SAT score for the schools with the highest admissions standards. If you meet or exceed the admissions standards for the more selective schools, you will almost certainly be admitted to your safety schools.Once you think you've identified those more selective colleges, draw a table with 3 columns with the following titles: School Name 25th Percentile or Average SAT 75th Percentile / Target Score Fill in your target schools under school name as I did below: School Name 25th Percentile or Average SAT 75th Percentile / Target Score UC Berkeley Yale University Under the 25th percentile or average SAT, you'll put either the 25th percentile or average SAT score for that school. As I said before, schools will only provide you with one or the other; whichever they give you, writethat number in the middle column. Under 75th percentile / target score, you put the school’s 75th percentile score (if they provide it). For schools that only give average SAT, you'll be calculating a unique target score. I'll explain how to calculate it later on in the article. How to Find the SAT Score Ranges Now that you have your list finding those schools’ SAT score ranges is very easy. Simply search â€Å"[College Name] average SAT†or â€Å"[College Name] SAT 25th/75th percentile†in Google.That will most likely lead you to what is known as the Freshman Admit Profile for your target school. If you are unable to find a Freshman Admit Profile for your school of choice, check out our database of college admission requirements. There you'll find the admissions criteria for almost every college in the country. Use the Command + F function on your keyboard to search for your target school. Here is a screenshot from Yale’s admission site: Yale provided the 25th/75th percentile SAT score for their admits on their admissions website.To figure out the 25th percentile composite SAT score if you took the SAT or are taking it this fall, simply add the 3 lower numbers together (which each separately represent the 25th percentile SAT score for the section): 710 + 710 + 720 = 2140 To approximate the 25th percentile composite SAT score if you are taking the new SAT in spring 2016 (which is out of 1600), you need to first average the Verbal and Writing sections (since on the new SAT they are combined into one section out of 800): (710 + 720) / 2 = 715 And then add that number to the 25th percentile SAT score for Math: 715 + 710 = 1425, rounds to 1430 (the SAT is scored in units of 10) Do the same math with the higher numbers (75th percentile score) to figure out the composite 75th percentile SAT score. NOTE: some schools may call it the middle 50% scores, but the 2 numbers they provide are the 25th and 75th percentile scores. Some schools call it the middle 50% since the scores between the 25th and 75th percentile represent the middle 50% of SAT scores of admitted freshmen. Add this new information that you found (the 25th percentile composite SAT score) to your chart. (NOTE: I have completed this for a student taking the new SAT in Spring 2016 forward): School Name 25th Percentile or Average SAT 75th Percentile / Target Score UC Berkeley Yale University 1430 1590 While some schools provide you with the 25th/75th percentile, other schools will provide you with only one number, the average SAT score for admitted freshmen (which UC Berkeley’s does in their Freshman Admit Profile below): As I said before, this is simply the average of all of the SAT scores for admitted freshmen. Since it is an average, you can't know exactly how many students scored above and below it, but presumably about 50% scored above and 50% scored below. If you took or are taking the SAT this fall, use the Math, Critical Reading, and Writing scores. Simply add them together to figure out the average composite SAT score. 686 + 710 + 698 = 2094, rounds to 2090 (as I noted before, the SAT is scored in units of 10) If you are taking the SAT in spring 2016 or later, use the Math score as is and then average the Critical Reading and Writing scores together (since on the new SAT they are combined into one section out of 800): (686 + 698) / 2 = 692 710 + 692 = 1402, rounds to 1400 Knowing this information, we'll writeit in the column for 25th Percentile or Average SAT, leave the 75th Percentile / Target Score blank for now for colleges that only provide Average SAT. I will explain what to fill in later on: School Name 25th Percentile or Average SAT 75th Percentile / Target Score UC Berkeley 1400 Yale University 1430 1590 How to Calculate Target Score For schools that provide the 75th percentile, you should aim for a score at or above the 75th percentile. (That is why I had you list the 75th percentile in the same column as target score. The 75th percentile is your target score!) For those schools that just give you an average composite SAT (such as UC Berkeley), I would aim for a score 100 points above that score for the new SAT. For the old SAT, you will need to aim even higher (about 150 points above the average) since there are 3 sections instead of 2. For the best shot of admission to UC Berkeley if you are taking the new SAT in 2016, I would aim for 1500 out of 1600. If you took or are taking the current SAT, I would aim for 2240. You should fill in that number (the average SAT plus 100 points for the new SAT or the average SAT plus 150 points for the old SAT) to your chart under 75th percentile / Target score: School Name 25th Percentile or Average SAT 75th Percentile / Target Score UC Berkeley 1400 1500 Yale University 1430 1590 You may ask why you can’t aim for a lower score, closer to the 25th percentile or the average score. After all, a lot ofstudents are accepted with those scores. In writing this article, I'm assuming that you are a typical applicant and not a special applicant.Special applicants such as athletes, legacies, child of significant donors, or a unique talent (such as world-class opera singers or famous actors) are typically admitted with lower scores (25th percentile score). If you are not in that category, you'll want a higher SAT score to havethe best chance of being accepted.The higher your score, the better your chance of admission.Check out Brown University’s breakdown of admission below: If you look at the highest score (800), 22.8% of applicants who scored an 800 in Critical Reading were accepted to Brown, which is significantly higher than the overall Brown admissions rate 8.7%. You can see that as your score begins to decline (you get between 750 and 790 in Critical Reading) your chances of being accepted drop by 5.7% from 22.8% to 15.1%.The same principle holds true across all sections and the composite (which they did not provide data on). The lesson to take away from this data is the higher your score, the better your chance of being accepted.As you see from my chart above, the two â€Å"Target Scores†vary by 90points, so which should you aim for?Aim for the highest target score on your list. If you reach the highest target score, you'll have the best chance of admission at all of the universities on your list. If you got a 1590 and applied to Yale and UC Berkeley, you would have a great chance of being accepted to both.However, if you got a 1500 and applied to Yale, you would now fall short of the 75th percentile score and be in the middle 50% of admits scores. You still could be admitted, but your chances are not quite as good. How to Plan Your Prep Plan your SAT prep to meet that goal.If you already took the SAT once, or you took a practice SAT and your initial score is far from your score goal, consider taking an SAT class, hiring an SAT tutor, or using an online SAT program such as PrepScholar. Here at PrepScholar, we do the heavy-lifting for you by figuring out your strengths and weaknesses. We personalize your SAT practice to your needs. For more information about our program, read How to Ensure Online Tutoring from PrepScholarTutors is Right for You? If you cannot afford one of these options and/or want to try studying on your own, use one of our study plan guides to help you plan your SAT preparation schedule: 5 Step SAT/ACT Test Dates Study Plan for Summer before Senior Year SAT/ACT Test Dates Study Plan for Sophomores and Juniors SAT / ACT Study Guide: Schedule and Plan for One Year or More Remember, your goal is achievable if you dedicate the appropriate amount of time and effort. What’s next? Learn more about applying to college and preparing for the SAT: High GPA but Low SAT Score: What Do You Do? How to Beat Procrastination In Your ACT/SAT Prep How to Write About Extracurriculars On College Applications SAT Rules and Regulations: Don't Make a Mistake Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Byzantine Art Essay Example for Free (#2)
Byzantine Art Essay There are many differences and similarities between the following two pieces of art; the Toreador Fresco and the Egyptian Fowling Scene. The Toreador Fresco is a fresco depicting a bull-leaping ceremony. It is from the palace at Knossos(Crete), Greece and from around 1450-1400 BCE. The Egyptian Fowling Scene is a mural painting from the tomb of Nebamun. It is from Thebes, Egypt and from the 18th Dynasty, ca. 1400-1350 BCE. The styles between these two periods are very different, but there are still a few similarities found between the two pieces of art. The Toreador Fresco depicts a bull in the center, and a man leaping over its back. There is a woman on each side of the bull. Unlike the Fowling Scene, this fresco includes a border. In the Egyptian Fowling Scene, Nebamun is standing in his boat, flushing birds from a papyrus swamp. He is holding his throwing stick in one hand and three birds in the other hand. He is accompanied by his wife and daughter who are both shown holding lotus flowers. In the Toreador Fresco, the bull is the central figure of the painting while in the Fowling Scene every space was filled with lively details such as lotus flowers and butterflies. As for the depiction of the human figure, in the Toreador Fresco, the human figures have stylized shapes with pinched waists and they are highly animated. Also, in order to distinguish between male and female, the artist painted the young women with fair skin and the man with dark skin. This was a widely accepted ancient Minoan convention. This is very different from the depiction of human figures in the Fowling Scene. The skin color of Nebamun, his daughter and his wife are all the same dark color. The artist scaled down their figures in proportion to their rank. The wife and daughter were much smaller than Nebamun. Also, in the Fowling Scene, the animals show a naturalism based on careful observation. One similarity between the paintings was that the human figures were painted with the profile pose with the full-view eye. Another similarity between the two paintings would be that they both represent rituals and traditions. The Toreador Fresco depicts the Minoan ceremony of bull-leaping while the Fowling Scene is a tomb painting showing that Nebamun is enjoying himself in the afterlife. Another difference would be that in the Toreador Fresco, the artist used curved lines to suggest the elasticity of the living and moving beings unlike the Fowling Scene where the depiction of movement was not represented very well. In the Toreador Fresco, the artist also elongated the animal’s shape to show the powerful charge of the bull and used sweeping lines to form a funnel of energy. It is easily seen how the depiction of movement is better represented in the Toreador Fresco than in the Fowling Scene. In the Fowling Scene, the artist used many different and lively colors whereas in the Toreador Fresco, there is not a great variety of colors used. In the Toreador Fresco, you can tell that it is Minoan art by the elegance of the Cretan figures, with their long, curly hair and proud and self-confident bearing. This distinguishes them from all other early figures styles. You can also see a few cultural differences between the two periods just by comparing the two paintings. The human figures in the paintings are all dressed much differently. Also, in ancient Egypt, the artists often used hierarchal scale in their paintings. They would make the size of the human figures larger based on their social status. That is why in the Fowling Scene, the wife and the daughter of Nebamun are much smaller than him. Whereas, in the Toreador Fresco, you do not see a hierarchal scale, the human figures are all the same size. In conclusion, there are many differences and similarities between the Toreador Fresco and the Fowling Scene. Both paintings represent rituals and traditions. Also, they both have figures painted with the profile pose. In the Toreador Fresco, it includes a border and the bull is the central figure. The human figures are wasp-waisted, and highly animated. The depiction of movement is much better represented in this piece of art than the Fowling Scene because the artist used curved lines to emphasize the movement of the figures. He also elongated the bull’s shape to show the powerful charge of the animal and used sweeping lines to form a funnel of energy. In comparison, in the Fowling Scene, the artists filled every space with lively details. The marsh is full of lotus flowers and butterflies. Although the depiction of movement is not shown as well as the Toreador Fresco, a variety of lively colors is shown in the painting. Unlike the Toreador Fresco, the hierarchal scale is shown in the Fowling Scene. Byzantine Art. (2016, Dec 08).
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