Thursday, October 31, 2019
Human Resource Management of Presto Manufacturing Company Essay
Human Resource Management of Presto Manufacturing Company - Essay Example The dispute between the two is quite frequent. Tony Krass: He is specifically critical of Wesley Johnson’s quality of work. He is also involved with discussions over departmental issues. Overall he unnecessarily involves himself in issues the responsibility of which is not conferred upon him by his managers. Jack Burns: Robinson suspects him of making excuses such as illness of wife so as to be able to spend time in leisure activities. He also arrived late and stated an excuse of over-sleeping. The Trainee: Appears to be in conflict with two fellow operators. He once accused John Walker and Joe Ridley that they are giving him troubles such as hiding his safety glasses. In another instance explaining his late appearance, claimed to have been locked in the toilets. Next day asks for early leave and appeared upset but did not explain the reasons. Remained absent the following day without any notification. Phil Graham: Asked only once for break for doctor’s appointment. On the objection of Robinson (department manager) he claimed to be able to get appointment at that time only. Despite these problems Semi-finished department faces other issues as well: Complaint from the Final Assembly department supervisor Brenda regarding the quality of their products and unmet production targets every week that has affected her department’s bonus. Reject Rate is consistently at 5% which is unacceptable by the Quality manager. The conflicts between the two departments- Semi-finished department and Final Assembly department due to the rejection rate of 5% in semi-finished products during the last three consignments which in turn have resulted in unmet targets by Final Assembly department. Lowering of work levels evident from increased defect rates at an... This paper focuses upon organisational conflict as a conflict within the organisation which normally occurs due to any type of misunderstanding, any type of noncooperation or breakdown of organisational structure etc among the employees of the organisation. Conflicts can arise at various levels like conflicts among the individual employees or group of employees which are generally termed as inter-personal and inter-group conflicts. There may be a variety of reasons behind the organisational conflicts but the most important reasons are economic reasons, value and power. The economic reasons or economic conflict as it is famously known as signifies attempt to achieve higher gain. Every individual attempt to achieve higher gain and in doing so many times their motives and actions clashes with others which creates a conflict. Change in values, principles, ideologies and practices. As the principles and values of an individual guide the action of the individual therefore difference in val ues and ideologies often creates conflicts. Another major reason behind conflicts is power. In an organisation many times employees desire to attain more power by maximising the influence and control over others. Thus the tension which generally occurs while struggling for attaining more power creates conflicts. Apart from difference in values, power attainment and economic reasons miscommunication often creates misunderstanding which gives rise to a lot of conflicts.
Monday, October 28, 2019
A Solution to childhood obesity in Australia Essay Example for Free
A Solution to childhood obesity in Australia Essay It is essential that through government and community participation, we develop, establish and integrate safe strategies to tackle the ever increasing problem of childhood obesity. Australia is rapidly turning into a nation of fat kids. One in every five youngsters is now designated as overweight or obese, living a life prone to cardiovascular and health problems along with risks to there mental state and general well being. Studies conducted by The Australian Diabetes, obesity and lifestyle council indicate that poor self-esteem and confidence has also been associated with obesity and almost doubles the chances of depression. Education Queensland also associates obesity with poor academic performance, un-developed motor skills and coordination. Obesity is a killer, not only causing serious long term medial problems, but costing the taxpayer over a billion dollars each year. Something must be done. If we dont act on this problem NOW, then it is predicted by 2020 that 65% of adolescents will be overweight or obese. There are so many reasons to exercise, so many benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle. In todays media conscious world we hear bout them, read bout them and are told about them almost everyday. So why do we continually ask the question.. why is Australias youth becoming increasingly overweight and unfit? There is a simple reason behind this staggering truth, a recent study found that 80 percent of adolescence did very little or no exercise- daily activities such as walking to school, physical education classes, after school activities, chores and general playing have been replaced with a sedentary lifestyle in front of the TV, computer or video games. Together we need to develop, establish and integrate safe program that offers adolescents of all ages the opportunity to engage in physical activity that enhances work, recreation and sports enjoyment and performance. For you see Im not going to let another child go through the pain, torture and humiliation I suffered in my childhood years. Let me tell you a story For the majority of my primary years I was called fattie. I weighed about a 130 kilos, had a double chin, a bulging gut, fat hanging from every direction and for this physical appearance I truly copped it. Undoubtedly, my years at primary school probably werent like your days, fun-filled or joyful, my days were filled with tears, pain and suffering. Every single day of my life from years four to seven were filled with name calling and pranks. Not a day went by that I didnt get singled out, harassed or bullied. Day after day, second after second I was being called fat boy, fattie, go have another cheese burger. It tore away my confidence and squashed my self esteem. I missed out on what people describe as some of the best years of your life, I gave up rugby, soccer and swimming not because I didnt enjoy it, but instead because every time I went to training or a game I felt alone inadequate. How would you like it if you life was like this day after day, , minute after minute? Do you think youd be sitting where you are today?, This heart break, pain and torture was caused by one thing obesity. I was so sick of been harassed, singled out I searched for a solution. Three months later, after living on a diet that consisted of egg white, protein shakes and salad and an hours exercise. I was a new person, sixty kilos lighter. But the psychological issues were still there, I became ever more unconfident, depressed and unsure of myself. I became addicted to the gym, going twice or three times a day and even took growth hormones and steroids to gain peoples acceptance. The cycle kept on going, until it got to the point where it got to much, the body couldnt handle it, I couldnt handle.. and I found myself in hospital. Childhood obesity isnt simply, an issue of been fat, it plays with the mind and heart. Together, we need to develop, establish and integrate safe program that allows youths of all shapes and sizes the chance to identify the physiological reason as why they are overweight, the opportunity to be involved with whatever physical activity they find fun, and motivate and support them to lead a healthy and active life in a safe manner. Something needs to be done. It is essential that through political and social streams, an alliance is formed to tackle the ever increasing problems of childhood obesity. With government funding, a program can be developed that that permanently changes basic eating and exercise habits. This will be achieved by identifying the key emotional issues that are instrumental in the adolescent becoming overweight. Allowing children from all socio-economic backgrounds the opportunity to take up physical activity such as soccer or rugby and be in a supportive atmosphere were dietians, physiologist and mentors are available. Such a program can be integrated within the current school time table or take place as an after school care activity. By establishing and integrating such a program that approaches the problems of childhood obesity from every angle, we can hopefully help those one in five suffers. Studies by Fitness Australia, illustrate that Youth receiving additional physical activity tend to show improved attributes such as increased brain function and nourishment, higher energy/concentration levels, changes in body build affecting increased self-esteem and better behaviour which may all support cognitive learning. If this is not enough to convince you, then think bout it from your own perspective, would you like to be teased and tormented everyday, live in a world of depression, where you simply dont think you match up? As Martin Luther King once said I am not sure I would have wanted my children to live a life of torment and abuse, so I dared to stop it. Together, we can turn Australia into a nation of healthy, lean, happy and confident children, that are on top of the world.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Negative Consequences Of Pollution
Negative Consequences Of Pollution Externalities are known as the third party effects evolving from the production and consumption of goods and services in which the third party does not receive any appropriate consumption. Externalities are the root to market failure if the pricing system does not consider the social costs and benefits of production and consumption. The provision of the incorrect quantity of goods and services to customers by the market mechanism sources a deficit in social welfare in an effective working market society ought to disperse property rights. If no individual is the owner of a specific good then nobody has an economic incentive to safeguard that good from being harmed. This is directed towards the tragedy of commons where, for instance no particular person owns the ocean or the fish in the ocean therefore the deficiency of the population of living fish is annihilated by the fishing industry. Resulting from the absence of clearly defined property rights, markets are unable to completely ac count for them, assigning prices of goods and services. Studying a scenario that lacks government intrusion, as no one owns the air, polluting industries do not raise their prices to recompense for correcting their pollution because they fail to undo air pollution and this will ultimately result in health difficulties among third parties and these third parties ought to then pay for the rectification of their health. According to the World Health Organizations three million people are killed around the world and this is attributed to outdoor air pollution (annually) by motor vehicles and industrial emissions and 1.6 million indoors from the usage of solid fuels. There exists a range of studies that estimate that 7-20% of all cancers are caused by air pollution (only). Waterborne diseases are accountable for 80% of infirmity and deaths in developing nations, claiming a childs life in every eight seconds. Contaminated water is the sole cause of the deaths of 2.1 million humans who fal l victim to diseases that are linked to contaminated water sources. Contaminated land is a severe problem in developed nations as industries and power stations dispose of heavy metals in the soil. One shocking feature of agriculture is its potential to poison land with pesticides, nitrate-rich fertilizers and faeces from cattle and this is coupled with the fact that contamination that reaches rivers harm various life-forms. To the economist the problem that arises from externalities is not that the activity occurs, but that a surplus of it occurs. To locate the market outcome we begin by using supply and demand. The market price and quantity are represented by Pmkt and Qmkt in figure 1 below However, the market outcome is not the efficient result. The supply curve illustrates only the private costs of production, mainly the costs occurred by those firms producing the good. Costs are inflicted on innocent bystanders due to negative externalities therefore it does not symbolize all costs. Therefore we draw another curve the social cost or SC curve. This diagram signifies all costs of the product including private production costs and external costs. The efficient level of outcome occurs where the demand curve and SC curve intersect which is depicted by P* and Q*. Qmkt > Q* meaning that the market produces greater levels of amounts of this good than the efficient amount, this phenomenon is known as over production. Another notification of Pmkt < P* means that the market price is less than the efficient price. Reason being that the market outcome is so inefficient is due to the fact that the private market leads suppliers to produce some units of the good (between Q* and Qmk t) whose cost of production exceeds their value to consumers. It is believed that this is true because the units of the good between Q* and Qmkt, the demand curve (measuring value to consumers) is below the SC curve (measuring all costs). The overproduction of goods with negative externalities transpires because the price of the good that the buyer does not fully cover all of the costs of producing or consuming the good. If all costs were taken into consideration, then prices of these goods would be superior and people would utilize of them. If the costs of the negative externalities, the harm from pollution were put on the good as a tax, then people would become conscious of the full cost of producing and consuming that good and the efficient amount would be the smaller amount demanded. From the above graph we can come to the conclusion about all market allocations of commodities causing pollution externalities. ie.the output of the commodity is too large, too much pollution is pro duced, the prices of products responsible for pollution are too low, as long as the costs are external, no incentives to search for ways to yield less pollution per unit of output are introduced by the market and recycling and reuse of the polluting substances are discouraged since release into the environment is so inefficiently cheap. A property right is the restricted authority to resolve how a specific resource is used whether a resource is owned by government or individuals (Alchian, 2008). Property rights must clearly be defined, their use must be scrutinized and possession of rights enforced (Alchian, 2008). Transaction costs are the costs of defining, monitoring and enforcing these rights (Alchian, 2008). There are four different types of property rights mainly open access, common property and private property (Pearce, 1989). Open-access property does not have an owner, is non-excludable, that is no one can prohibit another individual from making use of it, and is non-rival, the use of the property by one individual will not restrict of prevent its use at the same time by another individual. Open- access property unsupervised and access to it is not restricted. The existence of open-access property arose from the fact that the ownership of the property has never been established, either because the state has legislated it, because no efficient controls are in place, or it is not considered feasible because the cost of exclusion overshadows the benefits. Open-access property can be converted by the state into private, common or state property through legislature, clearly defining rights and enforcing them. Examples of open-access resources which the state may convert include the atmosphere and ocean fisheries. State property, is owned by everyone however, access to the property and the use of it is controlled by the state, example a national park. Common property is controlled by a group of individuals, who are responsible for access to, use of and exclusion from the property. Private property grant strict control to the owner, who has control over the use, management and access of property, the owners may prevent another individual, if they want to, from using the property, and they can also restrict the simultaneous use of the property. The polluter-pays-principle and victim-pays- principle is dependant on the provision of property rights for environmental goods. The costs of pollution are to be borne out of those who instigated it stated by the polluter-pays-principle. Its goal is to determine how the costs of pollution prevention and control must be assigned: the polluter must pay. Its objective is the internalization of environmental externalities of economic activities so prices of goods and services completely depict the costs of production. Bugge (1996) acknowledged four types of ppp; economically, it promotes efficiency; legally it promotes justice; it promotes harmonization of international environmental policies; as well as it defines how to allocate costs within a state. The ownership of environmental goods rights are undefined and by default it is the polluters that are usually favoured. If no appropriate bylaws are put in place to ban polluting activities and property rights are indeterminate, polluters will implicitly have the upper hand. As these polluting activities are aggravated and societys welfare becomes more pretentious, the victims of these activities will band together to maintain their right to a protected environment. This will eventually lead to regulation being put into practice which will shift property rights towards victims until equilibrium ie. between optimal pollution and optimal pollution abatement is reached. This equilibrium is shown by the intersection between the marginal abatement cost and the marginal damage cost schedules, .Coase illustrates this result by using the example of a farmer cultivating his land and another who breeds cattle that needs that needs land to graze on. Both individuals have adjoining land which is not enclosed. There are two possible consequences depending on how property rights are allocated; case1, the law is in favour of the farmer breeding cattle. Nothing prevents the cattle from grazing on the other land. The latter will have an incentive to bargain with the farmer and try to get him to reduce the damage done to his crops by reducing the herd. Case 2; the law is in favour of the farmer with crops. The farmer with the cattle is responsible for the damage his herd causes to others crops and must pay for these damages. It is in his interest to negotiate to try and reduce his costs. The effectiveness of this bargaining process rests on assumptions regarding the economic definition of environmental property rights. Tietenberg (1992) states that the structure of the property rights is characterized as follows: universitality, all existing resources are allocated; exclusivity, all costs and benefits from the possession or use of resources are attributed to the holders of the r ights either directly or indirectly; transferability, all rights are transferable through voluntary exchange between agents; protection, property rights are protected from voluntary or expropriation. According to the coase theorem everyone has perfect information, consumers and producers are price-takers, there is a costless court system for establishing, producers maximize profits and consumers maximize utility, there are no income and wealth effects as well as no transaction costs. The initial allocation of property rights does not matter for efficiency but if any of the conditions do not hold then the initial assignments of property rights matter. When property rights are apportioned to polluters, the victims of pollution will be enthused to bargain. If the victims are in possession of the property rights then polluters will instigate negotiation. Optimal pollution and optimal abatement must be taken into consideration to determine the situation where rights are optimally allocated. Figure 2 The above diagram depicts the process. The vertical axis illustrates the level of costs involved and the horizontal axis depicts the level of reduction in pollution. MDC is the marginal external costs and the MDC illustrates the level of reduction in pollution. The equilibrium is determined at Z* where MRC intersects the MDC curve. The polluting firms will produce its maximum level of output when there is no reduction in pollution. In contrast the level of production will be the lowest when there is a complete reduction in pollution. This figure can be linked up back to the preceding cases in respect to the establishment of property rights. At Z0 the level of pollution is maximized hence there is no reduction in pollution. This implies that that both the polluter and the victims are given the rights. At the reduction in pollution is at its maximum hence the rights are given to victims. When the polluters activity influence the welfare of a sufferer an external cost is generated and the sufferer should be compensated. Ronald Coase (1960) pointed out that sufferers and polluters are incorporated in negotiating incentives of an efficient level of unfavorable impacts regarding of the assignment of rights when the transaction cost is negligible. The illustration above portrays the output level a firm will operate at (QÃ â‚ ¬), where profits are maximized, however the social optimum is at Q*. When the sufferer has the property rights, the polluter does not have the right to pollute and the sufferer has the right not to be polluted. The sufferer chooses not to have any pollution at the starting point and at the origin the two parties begin to bargain. If they moved to d, the polluter would obtain Oabd in profit and the sufferer would lose Ocd. There is a chance that bargaining could occur as OABD is greater than OCD. The polluter will make a proposition of compensation to the sufferer since Oabd is greater than Ocd and less than Oabd. If this bargain happens, there is a movement to d which is known as a Pareto optimal allocation as one party is better off, (sufferer lost Ocd but gained more in compensation) and no party is worse off (polluter still has net profit). A move to the right of Q* is not plausible because pollut ers gains are less than the victims losses. Therefore the polluting firm wont compensate the sufferer to move beyond Q*. Now if the property rights are assigned to the polluter, start at QÃ â‚ ¬ because its the point at which the polluter can take advantage of his right to use the environment to dispose of his waste products. It is again possible for the two parties to bargain and move from QÃ â‚ ¬ back to f. Here the sufferer can compensate the polluter to give up a certain amount of economic activity or output level. The sufferer is willing to tolerate a loss fhi QÃ â‚ ¬ if the move does not take place and will offer an amount less than this to get the polluter to cut back pollution. The polluter is prepared to accept an amount greater than fgQÃ â‚ ¬. i.e. the profits will be relinquished as long as there is a probability of bargaining between the polluter and sufferer the market will take us to the social optimum ie Q. The commons can be referred to as a society composed of the population. According to Hardin the idea that everyone born with equivalent rights to the commons in sharing resources, concurrently with overpopulation will destroy the commons, therefore tragedy of the commons. Overpopulation and pollution are the contributing factors that facilitate the commons not being sustainable. The South African population was 40.6 million in 1996 and is persistently growing at 2 percent per year. A continuation of this trend by the year 2035 will result in 82 million of the inhabitants relying on an equivalent level of natural resources which are already under strain in sufficiently meeting its demands, therefore escalating the production of pollution and waste. The burdens of overpopulation on natural resources uniting with cooperate greed leads to detrimental consequences. A case in point is one of the Toxic water rising below Johannesburg. Twenty miles North West of Johannesburg, the water from the spring runs blood red. It is toxic, highly acidic and bursting with heavy metals, so foul those animals in the Kruderdorp Game reserve downstream say no to drinking the water causing them to die of thirst therefore not one living organism is able to endure this venomous water. Millions of gallons of this toxic water lie beneath Johannesburg, a municipality with a population of nearly four million citizens. The water is rises at fifty feet a month. If this persists, in roughly two years time subterranean parking garages will be filled up with this deadly red water. Tunnels for electrical cables and underground railway stations will overflow. Unnatural crimson water pours out from the ground leading into the suburbs and eventually fleeing into the east of Johannesburg. Due to Johannesburgs gold rush, mining companies extort enormous holes under its city and s uburbs. When it rains much is soaked up in the earth and the water becomes toxic when combined with heavy metals underground. Terry McCarthy, a geology professor of the university Witwatersrand warn that existing mining operations in other parts of South Africa were on their part to destruction and it would eventually poison some of Johannesburgs main drinking water resources, causing future generations to be imposed with greater costs of the Vaal Dam and Vaal river. The tragedy of the commons relates to almost every commonly held property. Individuals and firms accept a hundred percent of the gains of easy disposal of waste into air or water but only sustain a fraction of these negative impacts of pollution. It is therefore necessary for government to control pollution, providing incentives to prevent pollution or inflicting penalties should pollution occur. Another example is that of national parks where the parks can be accessed by everyone without limits to visitation. As the number of visits multiply degradation of parks become more plausible. The finite number of parks combined with increasing visitation and population growth makes conservation efforts difficult. In order to avoid the tragedy of the commons population control is a need. Hardin proposes that laws, legislators, beuros and watchers who watch the beuros to legislate and enforce laws are the key elements of controlling the population in the commons. He also emphasize that conscience and sense of guilt are not enough to restrict the population. People can freely make choices between the options offered by the laws, but are compelled to choose the options that brings themselves under control. Reason being if they choose the unrestrained option they will have to pay more prices or run more risks of losing something valuable. For example people believe that if the accept compulsory taxes because they understand voluntary taxes would favor the conscienceless people who dont pay taxes at all. Hardin ends with establishing that education can put an end to the tragedy of the commons. There are numerous reasons as to why a coasian solution may not work; ie. transaction costs, state of competition, the free- rider problem, identifying polluters and victims and people unwilling to trade transaction cost include information and measurement costs, negotiation costs, contracting (legal costs) and monitoring and enforcing costs. The cost of setting up the contract between polluter and victim becomes excessive because of the countless polluters and sufferers. The many questions become controversial including who is suffering, whose polluting and by how much? How much will resolve the bribe or payment and will defer among individuals. A coasian solution works well when there is perfect competition, on the contrary it is feasible to get such a solution under imperfect competition but the analysis is much more complex. Due to environmental goods being classed as public goods, the free- rider problem poses a dilemma as the provision of public goods would not be sufficient if left to the private sector. Since convincing everyone to play a part in diminishing incentives to cheating on agreements remain intricate. Predicted by the game theory models, bargaining would make vulnerable. If there are clearly defined property rights and contracts are drawn up then those rights that are allocated to may be unwillingly to trade. Some government intervention is needed in environmental conflicts by inflicting either liability or property rules. Property rules stipulate the allocation of the entitlement. Example entitlements include the right to pollute the air or on the other hand, the right to fresh, clean air. When applying the property rules the court decides on which right is paramount and places an injunction against the infringement of that right. The Coase Theorem involves establishing property rights as a means to solve the creation of externalities. This essay has been based on the negative externalities of pollution, the formation of property rights, bargaining in addition to a critique of the tragedy of the commons. It has been found that although there are no government interventions in a free market economy, courts are still required to intervene in the establishment of the property rights. Furthermore it has included a discussion on the main consequences of over pollution and ways in which government could solve this problem. It went on to give reasoning as to why the coasian solutions may be falsified which was illustrated by examples throughout the essay.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Essay on Variety in The Merchants Tale -- The Merchants Tale
Use of Variety in The Merchant's Tale  The Merchant's Tale tells the story of an old man searching for a wife and finding one, who is ultimately unfaithful to him. Chaucer uses a variety of elements in the poem to show his knowledge of contemporary interests and his story telling capacity through another figure. Irony flows through the poem, laced with allusions to the Bible. Chaucer's use of his astronomical knowledge not only allows modern day scholars to date events, but also adds another dimension of interest for the contemporary audience and of course, the pilgrims. Januarie's discussion of Heaven and Hell leads to the idea of marriage providing a Heaven on Earth. It is said that a wife is a husband's "paradis terrestre, and his disport" (l. 120), but at the introduction of the idea of a paradise, the reader can begin to contemplate the introduction of a serpent at a later point. Chaucer uses heavy irony as Januarie worries about experiencing his only Heaven on Earth. It becomes evident that May is anything but his Heaven. Her behaviour with Damyan in the pear tree is reminiscent of the story of Adam and Eve and the temptation of the apple tree as Damyan has become the serpent in Januarie's paradise of wedded bliss. The Biblical allusions that are used in the Tale have the effect of broadening the moral behind the story. By using the irony of the Biblical stories along with the thoughts of Januarie, a contemporary audience would have quickly perceived that there would be trouble with the marriage, as they would have been relatively well versed on the Bible. The priest at the marriage ceremony "bade [May] be lik Sarra and Rebekke" (l.492). While these two figures are held up as examples of holy and virtuous wom... ... the possibility, says Maurice Hussey, that Chaucer knew that St. Damian was the patron saint of medicine, thus giving ironic undertones to the sight-healing excuse for the pear tree tryst. Geoffrey Chaucer used many different aspects of his wide knowledge when writing the Merchant's Prologue and Tale. Biblical references and parallels with and inclusions of mythological characters are evidence of this. The appeal of such references to a medieval audience is extended with the inclusion of detailed and seemingly accurate astronomical minutiae. These details provide another level of information about the characters and their fates, such as the future of the marriage - it having been performed when the planet of war and the planet of love were in conjunction. Around these imaginative inclusions weaves a line of irony and a use of contemporary views and literature.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Creative writing – A New Life
â€Å"So then Tom,†his mother wept, â€Å"don't worry. I'll see you again.†Tom was shocked, he'd never seen his mother cry before. Even when Dad left to help in the army, she had been very strong. â€Å"But-but Mum,†he bit his lip, holding back his tears, â€Å"I don't want to go.†â€Å"I know, don't worry,†then she started to cry more heavily while singing â€Å"We'll meet again†to him, his favourite song. Suddenly, a whistle rang loudly through his head, so Tom reluctantly stepped on to the train, his name tag round his neck and watched while his mother grew further and further away until she was no longer visible through his tears. Tom calmed himself down and tried as hard as he could to find the positive points to this situation. Well, at least he was safe from being blown to smithereens. That was all he could think of. He wasn't even going to start with the negative points. â€Å"Hello there, â€Å"a small boy who looked about eight had just come into the compartment, â€Å"I can't wait, this will be great. Such a brilliant holiday, Dad said it will be fun. I don't know why he hasn't come with me, though.†Tom hadn't the heart to tell him that he'd probably never see his father again. â€Å"My name's William, what's yours?†The little boy said. â€Å"Tom, nice to meet you William,†he felt terrible, â€Å"so, do you know where we're going?†â€Å"No, but it will be good,†said William excitedly. The door to the compartment slid open and a girl Tom's age came in. She was pale and looked very ill. She sat down and started mumbling to herself, tears rolling down her cheeks. â€Å"Why are you crying, â€Å"William laughed, â€Å"this is terribly exciting. Holiday!†â€Å"What on earth are you talking about,†the girl wept, â€Å"we'll never see our parents again. This is no holiday, we're being evacuated to the country.†â€Å"I will see my Dad again,†William argued. â€Å"No you won't, trust me,†she was right and William was starting to realise the truth. Suddenly, his bottom lip started to shake and he burst into tears. The girl took the boy into her arms and tried to comfort him the best that she could. â€Å"My name's Harriet,†she told Tom. â€Å"I'm Tom†¦ hi ,†he replied. There was a long awkward silence between the two of them while William started to get to grips with the situation and settle down. â€Å"That's William,†Tom explained to Harriet â€Å"Oh, the poor little boy,†she was starting to cry again, â€Å"he's too young for things like this to be happening to him. It's terrible!†For the next few minutes they sat silently looking out of the window. Later, they each took a small lunch out of their bags and compared what they had. â€Å"Bread and butter with a lump of cheese,†Tom was very pleased with his lunch, â€Å"and an apple!†â€Å"I've got some cheese and cold sausages,†said William happily. â€Å"Oh mother!†she looked disappointed, â€Å"she knows I hate grapes. I'll swap them for your apple Tom.†They ate happily chatting to each other about the lives they were leaving behind and dreaming about the lives they were leaving for. Some of their ideas were very far-fetched but none of them had been out of the city before and so didn't have a clue about what would happen. Shortly after, they, one by one dozed off. â€Å"Right everyone!†the guard was walking down the train banging on the doors of all the compartments, â€Å"come on, time to get off.†Tom, Harriet and William collected their luggage and stepped off the train, staying close to each other. They were checked by a tall man and then led into a town hall. â€Å"Boys on the left, girls on the right!†a small plump lady was hurrying the children along to the front of the hall where lots of adults were waiting and taking a close look at every child, â€Å"quiet please†The lady then started to read out names and appointing children to a family. â€Å"Harriet Mendal to Mr Magda please,†and so Harriet walked head down to her new father. A few seconds later William was called out and sent to a Mrs Walner. â€Å"Tom Fritz to Mr and Mrs Grundle,†the lady read out and so Tom was handed over to a grumpy looking man and a sympathetic looking woman. They were a middle aged couple wearing farmer's clothes that he'd seen in a newspaper once. â€Å"Hello Tom,†said Mrs Grundle smiling then turned to her husband, â€Å"well, say hello then John†â€Å"Hello boy, well let's get on home then,†he didn't look at all happy about taking in Tom in. â€Å"So Tom,†Mrs Grundle seemed very nice, â€Å"how old are you?†â€Å"I'm , er, thirteen,†he replied feeling very uncomfortable for the duration of the walk to his new house. It would be his new house but definitely not his home. Soon they came to a large stone house next to a field and a pig pen. â€Å"Well boy,†Mr Grundle grumbled, â€Å"get upstairs and into bed quickly.†Mr Grundle seemed to be trying to make it very obvious to Tom that he already didn't like him. Putting this thought behind him, he followed Mrs Grundle up the stairs and into a huge room. Inside, there was a bed, a chest of drawers and a wardrobe. There was a lot of empty space that made the room feel even bigger. â€Å"Here you are Tom.†Mrs Grundle told him, â€Å"now, breakfast will be at seven o' clock. After that, you'll help John, Mr Grundle to you, on the farm until two o' clock, then have lunch. Once you've finished your lunch you'll help out with the pigs until six o' clock when you can have dinner then go to bed at eight. I know it sounds hard work but I'm sure you'll get used to it, okay?†Tom nodded, changed, then got into bed. It was warm an comfy and made him think of his mother â€Å"Goodnight Tom,†whispered Mrs Grundle as she turned off the light then went down stairs. Tom slept very badly that night. He kept dreaming of his mother and the Germans dropping bombs on her house, leaving him here with Mr and Mrs Grundle for the rest of his life. He got up when the alarm clock on the drawers next to his bed read six forty-five. He got changed and walked down the stairs. He entered the kitchen and was blinded by a dazzling light coming through the window. It was a beautiful, sunny day. â€Å"What's wrong boy?†Mr Grundle laughed, â€Å"never seen sunlight before?†â€Å"Never as bright as this sir,†Tom told him, â€Å"it's dazzling.†â€Å"Been in the city too long, I reckon,†said Mr Grundle unhappily, while sitting down at the table, lighting a pipe and reading the paper. A breakfast of egg and bacon was laid out in front of him. â€Å"Good morning Tom,†greeted Mrs Grundle, â€Å"here's your breakfast.†She placed another plate of bacon and egg before him. â€Å"Thank you ma'am,†said Tom politely. â€Å"Oh nonsense!†giggled Mrs Grundle, â€Å"please call me Joan!†Tom put a bit of bacon in his mouth and chewed. It was absolutely delicious. It was bursting with flavour and fit for a king. He savoured every mouthful. Then he turned his attention to the egg. He cut it like a surgeon, hoping it would be as good as the bacon. It most definitely did. The yolk melted in his mouth, it was delicious. As quickly as the pleasure had started, it stopped and Tom was sad to see an empty plate. â€Å"Right lad,†boomed Mr Grundle, †let's see if you can deal with a good day's work, eh. You'll be begging to stop before the first hour's up no doubt.†â€Å"I'll try my best sir, really I will,†Tom still couldn't understand why Mr Grundle didn't like him. They walked outside and opened the door to a large shed. Tom was amazed at how many tools and potentially dangerous things there were in there. He was passed a sythe then taken into the field and shown briefly how to use it properly. â€Å"Now,†said Mr Grundle, â€Å"seeing as it's harvest time, I don't want you mucking this up. I want you cut this wheat from the bottom along these two rows, tie it up into bundles with that string next to the tractor then load it onto the wagon. Got that?†â€Å"Yes sir,†Tom wasn't looking forward to this. For the next three hours Tom cut the wheat, tied it up and loaded it all onto the wagon. He was sweating like the pigs when Mr Grundle decided he could do another row of wheat. â€Å"Get your back into it boy!†shouted Mr Grundle at regular intervals. Finally, Tom finished and watched as Mr Grundle struggled with his tractor. He wanted to get the wheat down to his friends farm. â€Å"Damn thing won't start,†he wasn't pleased, â€Å"come on Rusty. Oh I'll have lunch first.†They went inside and sat down at the kitchen table. Mrs Grundle laid a plate of sausage and egg in front of him. Tom ate it slowly. â€Å"See those eggs lad?†growled Mr Grundle, â€Å"come from the finest chickens, they do.†â€Å"Eggs don't come from chickens, do they?†asked Tom cautiously looking at the eggs disgustingly. â€Å"Of course they do,†laughed Mr Grundle, â€Å"where do you think they come from? Weren't you taught that in the city?†Tom pushed away his plate as though he was scared of the eggs. â€Å"What's wrong boy?†Mr Grundle shouted at Tom, â€Å"won't eat? Well, I'll do something about that.†â€Å"Now John, don't do anything-†Mrs Grundle tried to reason with him. â€Å"You stay out of this woman!†Mr Grundle exploded. He dragged Tom up to his room in a fit of rage and threw him on the floor. He picked Tom up again and hit him hard. Tom screamed. He was hit again, and again, and again until he was bruised all over. â€Å"We provide hospitality,†spat Mr Grundle, â€Å"and you throw it back in our face. You should try to be a bit more grateful!†Mr Grundle hit Tom one more time, then dragged him outside to the pig sty. â€Å"Feed the bloody pigs, then wait out here until dinner and you will eat it! Got that boy!?!†Tom fed the pigs then waited. He stared at Mr Grundles broken down tractor and an idea arose in his head. Tom remembered that before his father had went to help with the war he had taught Tom how to fix a broken down car. Would a tractor be the same? Maybe if he fixed the tractor, Mr Grundle would like him. Tom would need tools. His dad had loads because he was a mechanic. â€Å"Get in here boy!†shouted Mr Grundle from the back door. Tom ate slowly then went to bed early to avoid Mr Grundle and another one of his beatings. Over the next few days Tom tried as hard as he could to stay out of Mr Grunde's way for as long as possible. Every week Tom was shown a new tool from the shed and he took a mental note of what else was in there and whether he would need it for the tractor. One night, when Mr Grundle was in the house talking to Mrs Grundle, Tom had a look under the bonnet of the tractor. There was hardly anything wrong with it, this would be an easy job. He would only need a few tools. â€Å"Boy,†Mr Grundle called him inside surprisingly quietly, â€Å"get in here. Something's happened.†â€Å"What is it sir?†asked Tom anxiously. â€Å"It's your parents Tom, â€Å"whispered Mrs Grundle, â€Å"Our father has been killed and your mothers house†¦bombed. A direct hit. I'm so sorry Tom.†Tom was speechless. He felt as though he had hit in the stomach by Mr Grundle all over again. He walked outside almost in a trance, and was violently sick in the pig pen. When he felt better, he lay on the ground looking up at the night sky. Tom didn't cry, he couldn't cry, not yet. He had just dried up and shrivelled away from the real world and he didn't feel as though he would ever return. Mrs Grundle opened the back door slowly and crept out to Tom, leaving her husband looking uncomfortably out of the window. â€Å"Come on Tom,†she said softly, â€Å"let's get you to bed.†Tom didn't know what he was doing, he just followed silently. Tom didn't leave hi room for the next two days. All of his meals were brought up to him by Mrs Grundle. Tom could finally cry, and did so , heavily. The next day, Tom awoke and felt that it was now time to take a step out of his room, go downstairs and out the door to work. He worked tirelessly without breakfast. When he was directed by Mr Grundle to collect a large bag of seeds, he slipped under his shirt a spanner, a screwdriver and a ranch. He sneaked them up to his room at lunch. â€Å"What are you doing up there boy?†shouted Mr Grundle impatiently, â€Å"come on, let's get back to work. â€Å"Coming,†Tom replied and ran downstairs. Tonight was the night, he would fix that tractor. He did his work hurriedly until another dinner of eggs, that he was now getting used to, then went to bed. Tom somehow kept himself awake until e was sure that Mr and Mrs Grundle were in bed. He crept outside in the dark and fixed the tractor as quickly as he could. He ran inside feeling very pleased with when he was greeted by a very red Mr Grundle. â€Å"Good evening boy,†he said as calmly as he could, â€Å"what are you doing outside at this time of night?†Tom stayed silent. â€Å"Well boy?. Answer me!†Mr Grundle spat. â€Å"I was fixing your tractor sir,†Tom turned white as he watched Mr Grundle's face burst into a nasty laugh. â€Å"Oh, is that right? Well, let's have a look at your handy work then shall we? â€Å"Mr Grundle dragged Tom outside into the cold night. He was placed on top of a haystack next to the tractor. Tom watched Mr Grundle get in the drivers seat and turn the key. Mr Grundle's face fell when he heard a loud roar and his tractor started. He was absolutely gobsmacked. He got down off the tractor and let his hand fall on Tom's shoulder. â€Å"You're a genius lad,†Mr Grundle's face broke into a smile, â€Å"oh lad. Thank you so, so much. Come on, let's get inside and back to bed.†The next day, Tom woke up, got change and bounced down the stairs with a large spring in his step. â€Å"Tom,†Mrs Grundle said carefully, â€Å"now, because of your parents, er, well, we've been asked to take care of you, would that be okay with you? We would be happy to take you in.†â€Å"Of course Joan,†Tom was actually pleased to be asked to stay. â€Å"You realise that you will have to stay for a long time, don't you?†asked Mr Grundle, â€Å"as I get older, I'll need more help on the farm, is that clear, Tom?†â€Å"That would be great,†Tom knew he would be fine, Mr Grundle had just called him by his real name.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Inside Secrets to Greeting Card Writing Revision
Inside Secrets to Greeting Card Writing Revision The legendary Emily Dickinson once stated, â€Å"A wounded deer leaps the highest.† The same holds true for successful greeting card writers. We constantly pour out creative ideas into verses in hopes of landing a sale, and when some of our creations receive rejection, taking a leap to revision is our wisest recourse. Greeting Card Publisher Oatmeal Studios (, accepts short humorous verses that possess a punch line sure to bring a smile to the toughest consumer. Sun Day Greetings (, however, is more subtle regarding humor and sentimental verse. In lieu of this, is it possible to revise a rejected verse like this: (Picture of a pretty woman sitting on a bus bench) O: Dear friend, getting older I: is such a bummer! Let’s try lightening this statement up to the one hundredth power! (Picture of a beautiful older woman dressed impeccably. Her husband escorts her to the table at a restaurant. Her husband speaks.) O: Getting older I: sure looks amazing on you! Happy Birthday! Understanding what is not working and opening up your mind to telling a more interesting story are the keys to revision. Whenever a publisher requests to see samples of my work, I like to have sample verses handy that I can just cut and paste in an email like the one below: (Picture of a cat standing on two paws/the other two paws rest in a chair. A birthday cake and a bottle of champagne sit on a table near O: Break open the bubbly! I: And don’t forget to pour a little bit in my bowl! Happy Birthday. Try a few of your own Wordy Verses  Most people tend to wait until the last minute to shop for a birthday party or any other special occasion. Imagine a consumer in a store with only a few minutes to choose the perfect card. Consumers prefer words that have a smooth flow- a perfect rhythm. Wordy verses like â€Å"your caring loving beautiful character†and â€Å"you’re the super kindest most thoughtful angelic person I know†are simply too much to chew on, especially when you are in a rush. Publishers avoid buying wordy verses because consumers avoid them as well! Instead, aim for clarity. The Sentimental Publisher There are publishers that prefer emotional-type verses like Blue Mountain Arts ( I love writing these type of verses because I have so many family members and friends who invoke loving emotions within me.   Revise rejected sentimental verses List what makes the recipient unique. State feelings the recipient invokes. Explain the hopes you have for the recipient on the occasion   you’re celebrating. What to Do When Revisions Do Not Work If you have revised your piece with no success, keep hope alive! Send your work to another publisher. Another pair of eyes may be just what you need to make a sale. Reach For Success According to the Greeting Card Association, the greeting card industry raked in over seven billion dollars in annual retail sales last year. That is more than enough incentive to aim high
Monday, October 21, 2019
For Sale vs. On Sale
For Sale vs. On Sale For Sale vs. On Sale For Sale vs. On Sale By Maeve Maddox A reader asks, When do you use the expression â€Å"for sell†instead of â€Å"for sale†? Short answer: Never. ESL learners must be puzzled when they see ads like these on the Web: I have a nice Play Station 3 drum set for sell for 35 dollars. We have a wristband for sell for $100 in the Des Moines, Ames, Carroll, Denison region of Iowa. Find out if there are other products like yours already for sell. Cheap Authentic (unused) Cartridges for Sell Sell is a verb. Sale is a noun. Something that someone wants to sell is â€Å"for sale.†Purebred Border Collie Puppies for Sale Gently Used Clothing for Sale Reliable Used Cars for Sale The expression â€Å"on sale†may also present a little confusion to ESL speakers. Sometimes â€Å"on sale†means that items for sale are being sold at a price lower than normal: Prices slashed: all jump drives on sale at half price This weekend only: premium mowers on sale at 20% off When â€Å"on sale†is preceded by go, no drop in price is implied. â€Å"To go on sale†means â€Å"to become available for purchase†: Ticket packages offer the exclusive ability to select tickets before they go on sale (i.e., before people who don’t have ticket packages are allowed to buy them.) An iPhone with a Sapphire Screen May Go on Sale Soon (i.e., it may soon be possible to buy an iPhone with a sapphire screen) When will Google Glass finally go on sale? (i.e., when will Google Glass be available for purchase by consumers?) â€Å"For Sale†and â€Å"On Sale†have their uses, but â€Å"For Sell†is an unfortunate error. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:12 Types of LanguageThe Six Spellings of "Long E"20 Criminal Terms You Should Know
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Too Far Ahead of the IT Curve
Too Far Ahead of the IT Curve The management of Peachtree Healthcare has to determine to what extent their technologies should be standardized. They can choose a monolithic information system that will be implemented in each hospital and clinic that is currently run by Peachtree Healthcare. Yet, they can also adopt a Service-Oriented Architecture that will enable this organization to conduct a selective standardization of their technologies and major practices. In both cases, the company will have to spend a significant amount of money, but the success of this investment cannot be fully ensured. Thus, the management will need to determine which model best suits the needs of the organization. This is the main question that is going to be discussed.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Too Far Ahead of the IT Curve specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One of the approaches that this organization can take is complete standardization of technologies and practices. This strategy can give several benefits, for example, cost savings and better time-efficiency. Therefore, they can choose a monolithic information system which is a single set of technologies and applications that will be installed in every clinic or hospital of Peachtree Healthcare. The main advantage of this strategy is that technologies and practices will be consistent throughout the organization. Yet, one should take into account several structural factors. Peachtree Healthcare includes trauma centers, community hospitals, teaching clinics, or rehabilitation centers. Thus, it may be difficult to develop a single information system that can fit the needs of these medical institutions. Furthermore, as it has been noted in the case study, many procedures cannot be effectively standardized. For instance, pharmacy record keeping can be based on the best practices. Yet, one cannot say the same thing about the protocol for treating different forms of cancer. This is one of t he reasons why complete standardization is not always possible. Apart from that, physicians should be able to care about the wellbeing of the patient without being limited by standards or restrictions imposed from outside. Furthermore, the adoption of a monolith information system will necessitate the redesign of many business processes, and extra training of the staff. Apart from that, the complete redesign of the existing IT infrastructure may not be efficient.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The thing is that some of their current technologies can function quite effectively and there is no need to remove them. Finally, the management of Peachtree Healthcare should not forget that the adoption of a monolithic system will make this organization less responsive to change. For example, hospitals can adopt business models or medical practices when they are given some degree of autonomy. Complete standardization can deprive them of this autonomy. These are the main drawbacks and benefits of this approach. Another strategy that this organization can choose is to implement a Service-Oriented Architecture. The main benefit of these technologies is that they allow a greater degree of flexibility. In particular, some physicians have various note-filling preferences. Some of them choose to enter the information about the patient directly into a database, while others chose to dictate these data for later transcription. Apart from that, SOA can help this company to standardize only some elements of their IT infrastructure while allowing various hospitals and clinics select software. The main limitation is that this technology has not been widely adopted in healthcare setting. The main limitation of this model is that SOA have not been fully tested in medical institutions. The management of Peachtree Healthcare cannot guarantee that this technology will prove efficient. On the whole, the discussion of these issues shows that Peachtree Healthcare should adopt a Service-Oriented Architecture. As it has been said before, this framework will enable this organization to replace those parts of IT infrastructure that do not function properly.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Too Far Ahead of the IT Curve specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As it has been shown in the case study, the management of Peachtree Healthcare feels insecure about the adoption of this technology because it has not been widely used in healthcare organizations. Yet, one should take into account that the adoption of SOA infrastructure is a gradual process. The company can replace some poor-functioning components of their IT systems with SOA-built services. Provided that these changes yield good results, the company can continue their adoption of SOA information system. Moreover, the developers of SOA information systems will be willing to suit the needs of Peachtree Healthcare. They will even agree on lower price for their services, because they also want to win the trust of healthcare institutions. Under such circumstances, Peachtree Healthcare can receive a high-quality product at a reasonable price. Overall, these examples show that the redesign of an IT system should be based on close analysis of organizational structure, its size, and major activities. Peachtree Healthcare would have to adopt a system that can allow the greatest degree of flexibility. Such a goal can be achieved by using a SOA-based information system. Admittedly, this strategy can be associated with some risks, but the same thing can be said about the so-called monolith systems. This organization should strive for the standardization that is based on the best practices, but the management must make sure that Peachtree Healthcare remains open to new ideas, models, and practices. This result can be ac hieved with the help of SOA infrastructure.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Discuss Question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Discuss Question - Assignment Example ability of the mobile application, Zara mobile application is a weak application since it does not support other operating systems such as Android and windows, on the other hand this application does not have enough detail of what is being sold and instead displays a single picture of the clothing items and the other crucial details do not exist anywhere. In the real sense it better to opt for a window shopping than actually buying anything using the mobile application. Also the updates released for the Zara mobile application do not seem to address any problem of the mobile application efficiency and instead the updates makes the mobile application weak for `the major countries. Mango mobile application is a marketing mobile application which operates with the Ios operating system that runs on I pads and I phones. This application is used in marketing clothing online through advertisements on I pads and I phone. This application gives clear details and pictures of what the seller has in stock. It also enables the user to view different clothes with their prices indicated clearly for good purchasing. Unlike the Zara mobile application, this application can be used for window shopping as well as for purchasing clothes since it gives in details the prices, sizes and brand of the clothes as well as the pictures of different clothes. This is a mobile application that is used to market various clothing products in the internet market. It is a mobile application that supports I pad and I phone gadgets using the Ios operating system from MAC (Skepys, 2013). This application is the best application compared to the rest; it gives information of various clothes in details and in wide selection. Clothes displayed by this application are displayed in categories and thus makes it easier for one to make a good decision and so far so good it is the best application for the clothing industries in terms of advertisement. I t displays pictures of the products clearly and has
Friday, October 18, 2019
Market research proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Market - Research Proposal Example It has been two years since the company decided to include C&C on the Irish and London Stock Exchange. The initial public offering in May 2004 became an enormous success as numerous investors have been eyeing the company for years. This event has caused significant changes to the company's manufacturing and marketing departments. In addition to that, this public openness of the company to different investors has become the object of a great deal of criticisms when it comes to the company's privacy and the health and safety effects. Logically, beverage industry is one of the riskiest industries when it comes to the health and safety of employees (Paterson, 2001). Fortunately, the company has protected its employees and avoided the risks the different operations in beverage industry entail. Yet, the public stock offering was perceived by some analysts as catalysts in the different risks of the company. Also, the stock offering of the company in the international market has changed the market's perception of C&C from a private company to a mass-oriented enterprise. Hence, this research aims to investigate and analyse the changes the company underwent after its initial public offering. ... Other sources will include interviews and random surveys to the Irish market. This is essential in order to identify the public's perception of the company and what has to be changed to leverage the company's assets (Taylor, 2000). Basically, the population to be investigated comprises of the present market of Bulmers and Magners. This population will include both patronisers and nonpatronisers of Bulmers and Magners. They will be picked randomly and materials will be gathered through normative methods such as surveys and questionnaires. The materials gathered will be investigated, categorised and tabulated in order to be evaluated. The researcher will use statistical and nonstatistical methods to strategically interpret the materials gathered into stable conclusions. Thus, these statistical and nonstatistical methods to be used by the researcher, together with sufficient evidences, will represent the qualitative and quantitative interpretations. Basically, the major conclusions will comprise of the qualitative research. Yet, it has to be supported by quantitative results to further support the findings (Lowry, 1999). Moreover, there is an abundance of literature which may greatly help in evaluating the materials. The aim of this study is to expand that issue by collating and reviewing useful and related literatures. Determining the current position of Bulmers and Magners in Irish and international markets is helpful in drawing an overall picture of the situation, enabling the researcher to provide recommendations on how the current practices in the company can be improved to closely align the market positions of the two C&C brands. Although the research will
Summarize Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8
Summarize - Essay Example The researcher must follow the content pattern in every chapter. Nevertheless, your chair might approve another pattern in a manner, which captures the reader. General-to-specific might be adequate through giving results initially and then proof afterwards, but the researcher does not have to show the details discussed in an earlier chapter. Discussing the premise of a research is the most essential section in the final chapter. Looking at the findings offers a fast answer to the study question, which aims at unearthing the significance of the study rather than the details. Tentative answers to research questions offer an answer in determining the content of the chapter. Finally, the researcher must a proper comprehension of the software utilized in analyzing data like Excel spreadsheets or Word documents. Software is significant in data analysis, as well as presentation. The final paper must be a winning dissertation. It must tackle all research problems, as well as offer recommendations for future study areas. A good or perfect research builds on present knowledge to develop innovative
Leading in the Darkness and the Light Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Leading in the Darkness and the Light - Essay Example Question Two: The trapped miners gave maps to the rescue team. Members of the team stepped up as leaders to help manage the situation in the mines. They displayed transformational leadership through various acts. Mario Gomez, who was the oldest miner, took the responsibility of ensuring that catering for everyone’s mental and spiritual health. Another miner took the role of ensuring that the physical health of the crew was intact. The miners ensured that they took care of the whole person, meaning that the trapped miners were cared for mentally, spiritually, emotionally and spiritually. The miners worked together in shifts of their groups. The miners who had leadership roles also were willing to and did their best to serve others who needed help like the trapped miners by providing both physical and physiological help. The trapped miners had chosen a person who uplifted their humor, and another was named the pastor of the group who uplifted their spiritual moods. This displayed authentic leadership in times of adversity. They showed that they had hoped for life by ensuring that they organized all their activities while trapped to ensure their survival. Question Three: The president displayed a truly transformational leadership by responding quickly to the situation. Even though there were low, the chances of survival the president went ahead and organized, how they would be rescued by having the vision and choosing people to deal with the rescue. The Mining Minister had a team that was divided into three teams with different tasks. One was to locate the miners; the other was tasked with keeping them alive, and the other ensuring that they are rescued safely. All the three leaders displayed servant leadership, as they were willing to serve others before their needs.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Nuclear Medicine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Nuclear Medicine - Essay Example The patients to undergo nuclear medicine procedures do not require undergoing any special programs before the procedure, except, in cases involving gastro-intestinal system. In this situation, the patient is subjected to fasting four hours prior to the procedures (Murray, 2009). Positron Emission Tomography (PET) can examine body chemistry and is applied in medical tests as CT and MR scans. The test shows more information on the body organs like their current state of functioning and their structure. Hybrid scanning techniques employ X-ray computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This technique sees the structure of an organ with 0.5 mm resolution but nuclear medicine uses 5.0 mm resolution to observe metabolism(Ramer, 2008) Indium white blood cell scans by the nuclear medicine helps determine the structure of the blood cells and how they are functioning.This scan aids in detection of cancer and any malfunction in the cells. Scientifically, nuclear fusion produces power as an energy resource. This occurs in a nuclear reactor where fusion in the nucleolus of radioactive material helps produce a lot of power transmitted and distributed for different uses. Energy produced from these materials is obtained by an action of splitting uranium into two by action of a neutron. This leads to radiations and heat evolved from atom and the reaction is fission(Murray, 2009). The process of nuclear fission involves the conversion of uranium into pellets and into rods. Lots of water is required to cool the uranium rods. When the rods emerge from the water, they produce lots of heat controlled by raising or lowering them from the water surface. To obtain more heat we raise them further way from the water. The heat produces steam that runs power-generating turbines(Morris, 2006) III. The method of power production is environmental friendly and does not contribute to global warming. The Nuclear fission
Les Maitres Fous Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Les Maitres Fous - Essay Example They kill and eat a dog; in traditional Nigerian culture, it is forbidden to eat dogs, so this element is a transgressive ritual that demonstrates the forbidden power the men are channeling. They make noise with the clapping of wooden guns, representing both the formal (marches and parades) and informal (death and destruction) powers of the guns from the British colonial perspective. Only â€Å"pure ones†can participate in the ritual; whether this is because of a belief that the spirits can only fill the pure ones or because of a belief that only the pure should be trusted with the power is not clear, and the answer is probably some admixture of both. Finally, the possessed are tested by burning and boiling: Proving that they have become more than men. It is noteworthy that the vast majority of the film's subjects (or objects, as Rouch extorts and invites the audience to truly participate in the ritual and essentially become Hauka for some minutes) are men. Rouch doesn't note this extensively, but this further complicates an already complex ethnography. It is all well and good to talk about what African colonial memory might be, but this seems to be African male colonial memory and coping mechanisms. Women seem to be reacting differently.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Leading in the Darkness and the Light Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Leading in the Darkness and the Light - Essay Example Question Two: The trapped miners gave maps to the rescue team. Members of the team stepped up as leaders to help manage the situation in the mines. They displayed transformational leadership through various acts. Mario Gomez, who was the oldest miner, took the responsibility of ensuring that catering for everyone’s mental and spiritual health. Another miner took the role of ensuring that the physical health of the crew was intact. The miners ensured that they took care of the whole person, meaning that the trapped miners were cared for mentally, spiritually, emotionally and spiritually. The miners worked together in shifts of their groups. The miners who had leadership roles also were willing to and did their best to serve others who needed help like the trapped miners by providing both physical and physiological help. The trapped miners had chosen a person who uplifted their humor, and another was named the pastor of the group who uplifted their spiritual moods. This displayed authentic leadership in times of adversity. They showed that they had hoped for life by ensuring that they organized all their activities while trapped to ensure their survival. Question Three: The president displayed a truly transformational leadership by responding quickly to the situation. Even though there were low, the chances of survival the president went ahead and organized, how they would be rescued by having the vision and choosing people to deal with the rescue. The Mining Minister had a team that was divided into three teams with different tasks. One was to locate the miners; the other was tasked with keeping them alive, and the other ensuring that they are rescued safely. All the three leaders displayed servant leadership, as they were willing to serve others before their needs.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Les Maitres Fous Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Les Maitres Fous - Essay Example They kill and eat a dog; in traditional Nigerian culture, it is forbidden to eat dogs, so this element is a transgressive ritual that demonstrates the forbidden power the men are channeling. They make noise with the clapping of wooden guns, representing both the formal (marches and parades) and informal (death and destruction) powers of the guns from the British colonial perspective. Only â€Å"pure ones†can participate in the ritual; whether this is because of a belief that the spirits can only fill the pure ones or because of a belief that only the pure should be trusted with the power is not clear, and the answer is probably some admixture of both. Finally, the possessed are tested by burning and boiling: Proving that they have become more than men. It is noteworthy that the vast majority of the film's subjects (or objects, as Rouch extorts and invites the audience to truly participate in the ritual and essentially become Hauka for some minutes) are men. Rouch doesn't note this extensively, but this further complicates an already complex ethnography. It is all well and good to talk about what African colonial memory might be, but this seems to be African male colonial memory and coping mechanisms. Women seem to be reacting differently.
Economics Essay Example for Free
Economics Essay The study of construction, allocation, and expenditure of goods and services has been incorporated in the social science that has been referred as Economics. In the year 1932, one of the economists Lionel Robbins presented a definition of economics that has been appreciated by a number of economic organizations around the globe. Under this definition, the ends and limited means create a connection with each other, which has been observed as a human behavior. Such behavior is studied by a branch of science that has been referred as economics. A notion has been accepted by almost all the economists around the world that the wants and needs of humans cannot be satisfied by the available resources that are scarce as compared with the needs of the human race. However, available resources can be used alternatively, which can result in the reduction and elimination of economic problems. In this regard, when the different choices available to human race for the fulfillment of the wants and demands are studied, the process has been recognized as economics. In addition, various types have been created during the classification of economics, which are as follows: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics †¢ Constructive economics and Normative economics †¢ Conventional economics and Unorthodox economics Our society entails different processes, actors, and relationships that work together for the proper functioning of the economic system, in order to create equilibrium in the demand and supply of the products and services around the globe. Nowadays, religion, politics, law, education, sociology, etc. have incorporated the economic analysis in its fields too, which has changed the perspective of role of economics in present world. Economy As earlier mentioned in the paper, the diverse processes of production, substitution, distribution, and utilization of goods and services results in the conception of a comprehended system of human activities, that has been referred as economy of a particular country or region. In addition, a number of factors are responsible for the composition of economy in a particular country. In this regard, some of the related factors are the scientific advancement that has changed the perspective of an economy. Nowadays, social organizations with respect to geography and ecology have integrated the utilization of economic policies and theories in its activities. In terms of products and services, the progress of a particular country is represented by its economy, which is indicated by its gross domestic product, rate of unemployment, inflation, and several other factors that are associated with the economy. (Parkin, 2004) Greek were the first ones to integrate the word economy in their daily household activities. In economic perspective, the management of economic affairs was referred as economy in the year 1440. Until the nineteenth or twentieth century, concept of a separate economic system of a particular country was not developed, as it is used currently in most parts of the world. Macroeconomics When the study of performance, structure, and behavior of economy and economical factors is considered on a national or regional level, such study has been referred as macroeconomics. The study of macroeconomics has been considered one of the major studies in terms of understanding the economy of a country along with microeconomics that considers the study of similar factors, but on an individual scale. As earlier mentioned, different economy-related functions, such as unemployment rates, GDP, price inflation, etc. are studied aggregately by the macroeconomists. (Wilson, 2003) Moreover, the abovementioned factors create relationships that are explained by the development of different models by the macroeconomists. Some of the detailed factors that are analyzed by the macroeconomists other than usual factors like GDP, unemployment rate, etc. are the international finance, international trade, consumption, national output, etc. On the contrary, the actions and activities of individual persons are primarily focused by the microeconomics. Some of the examples of considered individuals are firms, consumers, etc. (Bofinger, 2001) While there is a broad range of studies in the branch of macroeconomics, the discipline has been represented by two major areas of research. These two areas are quite contrary to each other, as one considers the short-run fluctuations in the national income, and endeavors to understand and analyze the different causes and consequences of the same. On the other hand, the second area has considered the study of economic growth based on long-run fluctuations. In this regard, macroeconomics plays a vital and crucial role in facilitating governments, as well as, large companies to understand the economic flexibility for the investors, as well as, for the different forecasts that result in the fluctuations of the exchange market. Policies In order to stabilize the economy of a county, different economic policies are considered by the government that are implemented and adjusted according to the requirements of a country. By the successful implementation of such policies, different economic shocks like the great depression, inflation, deficit budget, etc. are avoided and reduced by the government. It has been believed by most of the governments that economic stability and growth is continued and maintained by the successful adjustments of these policies. In this regard, two types of strategic policies have been observed for the economic management of a country. The two types of such policies are fiscal policy and the monetary policy. In this paper, we will try to define, discuss, and analyze the role of monetary policy in the economic growth and stability of a country. Moreover, we will try to determine the effects of monetary policy on the different macroeconomic factors that have already been mentioned in the paper. Monetary Policy Since the beginning of economic system in the United States, the monetary policy has played a vital role and crucial role in the sustained growth of economic factors in the country. In the past, gold and tobacco were considered as some of the valuable assets for the barter trade. Subsequently, technological evolution resulted in the value of debit and credit cards that are now being used in different parts of the globe. It has been observed that different sectors associated with human lives have developed with the help of effective policies in the United States. In the past, paper currencies were introduced in the country by the Continental Congress, which was quite an innovative step in the advancement of the monetary system of the country. Moreover, coinage was also introduced in the country by the policymakers that modified the perspective of economic system of the United States. (Clapham, 2007) As earlier mentioned in the paper that significant improvement and advancement has been shown by the monetary system of the United States, which has been possible due to the endeavors of different policymakers responsible for the creation of effective monetary policy in the country. However, the historical facts have shown that the creation of monetary policies has confronted a number of controversies during the early years that used to portray the monetary system as a decentralized system. On the other hand, the monetary system of the United States has now present itself as a more centralized system with some of the very effective monetary policies of all the time. Moreover, some of the other factors are responsible for the slow development of economic system is the specifications of banking power that created many doubts due to monetary policies that used to present a decentralized perspective of the system. Specifically, federal government has played a critical role in the reduction and elimination of abovementioned doubts and confrontations that has lead to the sustained growth of the monetary system of the United States. (Rabin, 2002) Alternatively, the beginning years of the economic system of the United States have been contributed prominently by the critical and vital role of gold. However, the policymakers of monetary policy are giving less significance to the gold assets that used to be one of the major components of the monetary policy in the country. Specifically, the non-existence of gold in the exchange market has resulted in the reduction of its importance. In the previous decades, gold was used as a medium of exchange that has been taken by the credit cards and paper money. In this regard, the functioning of gold in the creation of monetary policies has altered at a greater extent due to the modern and complex economy in the country. In the earlier economic years of the United States, economists were very confused and perplexed in the decision-making related to the creation of different economic policies in the country. At this moment, the framers of the U. S. Constitution played a significant role in the reduction of this confusion. However, some of the framers resulted in arguments that provided little difficulties to these framers. It was observed that the federal government was preferred as the deserving candidate for the monitoring of fiscal and monetary policies, as well as, their implementation in the economic system of the country. Therefore, creation of a centralized system with the abovementioned authority to the federal government was preferred by most of the economists. In this regard, the policymakers considered the creation of a national currency, as well as, a chartered bank that may be the authoritative body for the distribution of such currency in different states of the country. On the other hand, the creation of monetary policy and development of an effective monetary system was slowed down due to some members of policymakers that supported a decentralized monetary system including the provision of powers to individual states in the country. During this period, a wave of argument and rejection was flowed in the country that tensed the situation. However, the majority of the economists and policymakers advocated the Federal government as the only authoritative body for the issuance of paper money in the country, as well as, the only monitoring body related to the implementation of fiscal and monetary policies in the country. (Walsh, 2003) During the Revolutionary War, the mainstream of the policymakers opposed the utilization and supply of paper money in the country. One of the reasons of such arguments was the awful experiences during this war that were confronted by the government. Subsequently, this argument accelerated into higher distress to the government during the year 1775, as the war expenses were out of the reach of government’s budget. In addition, the obstructions by the British forces added the difficulties and limited the alternative ways of controlling the economic condition of the country. In the result, a modification in the monetary policy resulted in the step of Continental Congress that issued around two million dollars of Continental currency in different parts of the country. In detail, more than two hundred million dollars of such currency was issued by the Congress in the short period of only twelve years. (Brue, 2005) During this period, the holders of the abovementioned currency were assured that exchange of gold or silver will be appropriately arranged by the government. However, the government assets were not equipped with such high amount of gold reserves, which resulted in the adverse effects on the economy of the country. (Ursprung, 2004) In the result, the colonies confronted high rate of inflation due to the lack of planning of the Congress during the issuance of the currency. Consequently, destabilization of the economy was observed in the country, and abrupt reduction was observed in the currency. During this phase, situation of uncertainty in the currency was facilitated by the policymakers that advised the declaration of notification of crime, when the exchange of Continental currency was refused by any individual or bank in the country. Subsequently, the policymakers came to a decision that preferred the establishment of Bank of the United States. Once again, some of the policymakers and economists argued the authority of the Congress in terms of allowing the creation of a chartered bank or the issuance and supply of paper money in the country. In the result, the concept of creation of chartered banks took a long time, as long debates were observed in this respect. Conversely, the supply of national currency by the chartered bank of the Federal government was proposed by one of the prominent economists and policy makers, Alexander Hamilton. In the end, Justice John Marhsall declared the legal establishment of the Second Bank of the United States. (Dickinson, 2002) In the year 1913, the Federal Reserve System was established that increased the effectiveness of role of the monetary policies in the country. The reserve banks in different states of the United States were monitored by the abovementioned system. In the result, the Federal Reserve was able to maintain the supply of elastic money in the country. The changing economic conditions of the country created a comparative relationship with the money that has been one of the reasons of its referral as elastic money. In the year 1914, gold certificates, as well as, gold reserves were utilized during the World War I that consequently reduced the value of gold in the country. However, still, many banks in different parts of the globe facilitate international transactions in an effective manner due to the utilization of gold reserves and assets. (Wessels, 2006) As earlier discussed in the paper, gold has not been largely involved in the creation of modern monetary policy in the country. In the year 1968, promise of repayment in gold was cancelled by the United States, which resulted in the controlling of money supply by the Federal Reserve, which was responsible for the creation and adjustments of monetary policy in the country. Relevant measures of money supply have been a usual part of economic debates. Nowadays, money supply has become easy and convenient due to the different options of savings account, credit cards, etc. Moreover, monetary policymakers have provided the opportunities of mutual funds, term deposits, etc. in the broader money supply in the country. Still, implementation and different effects of monetary policy on the macroeconomic factors are considered by the policymakers. It has been observed that considerable effectiveness has been shown by the introduction of restrictive monetary policy. On the other hand, an economic downturn, as well as, reduction in the inflation was observed due to the implementation of monetary brakes during the high inflation period in the 1980s. Therefore, different components of monetary policy play a crucial role in the growth and stability of the economy. In addition, the activities of domestic, as well as, foreign investors are the result of effective monetary policy in the country. Currently, the effective implementation of different monetary policies has played a vital role in the accomplishment of a healthy economic system in the United States. It was discussed in the paper that the policymakers of monetary policy confronted a number of difficulties during the creation of a centralized monetary system in the country. In the past, the paper discussed that gold and silver played a crucial role in the different economic transactions and creation of monetary policies. However, the money supply and the incorporation of central banking has resulted in the low unemployment rate, high gross domestic product, which has created an effective monetary system and continued monetary development in the country. Conclusively, the paper has discussed and analyzed the historical evolution of monetary system of the United States effectively.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Material And Process Requirements For Driving Shaft Engineering Essay
The Material And Process Requirements For Driving Shaft Engineering Essay Based on my research, a drive shaft, driving shaft or propeller shaft is a mechanical component for transmitting torque and rotation that usually used to connect other components of a drive train that cannot be connected directly because of distance or the need to allow for relative movement between them. Besides that, drive shafts carrying an important role as carrier of torque in driveline application. They are subject to torsion and shear stress, equivalent to the difference between the input torque and the load. Therefore, they must be strong enough to bear the stress, whilst avoiding too much additional weight as that would in turn increase their inertia. Drive shafts frequently incorporate one or more universal joints or jaw couplings, and sometimes a splinted join or prismatic join to allow for variations in the alignment and distance between the driving and driven components Based on the functions that has been discussed in previous, I know that the material of drive shaft must be strong enough to bear the stress, light weight which able to reduce the overall automobile weight and thus, increase their inertia at the same time. For the mechanical properties that required for drive shaft including the ability to minimize the losses in transmission, high tensile strength material, high torsional strength and light weight. Therefore, I would like to suggest that polymer matrix composite is more suitable as a chosen material that can be apply in driveline application. 1.1 Design Factors In the progress of my research in driveline application, I found out that marketing considerations are paramount in the motor car industry. There are two factors make this particular application attractive to the industry. On the one hand, vehicles are solid in the market place on claims of increased comfort, luxury and smoothness of operation. On the other hand, the manufacturer is also seeking to provide the maximum performance with the minimum fuel usage at the same time. Thus, usually these two requirements are conflicting. For example, a decrease in body panel thickness reduces mass and so increases performance and fuel efficiency, but this change also increases internal noise. Therefore, some automobile industry has spend much modal in doing research and recently, they have an idea which using carbon fiber (polymer matrix composite) in drive shafts which able to contributes to achieving both aims simultaneously. The factors to be optimized in a shaft after meeting the basic operating requirements just outlined is mass, smoothness of ride and cost. This is because reducing mass is important: To improve performance of vehicle and reduce fuel consumption. To reduce un-sprung mass and so improve vehicle handling and ride. To reduce the residual out of balance forces from rotating parts and so further improve smoothness in use. 2.0 Material Selection Based on the research of different type of material of drive shaft or propeller shaft in driveline application, I have chosen polymer matrix composite as the material selection in driveline application. 2.1 Introduction to Polymer Matrix Composite Polymer Matrix Composite is the material consisting of polymer matrix combined with a fibrous reinforcing dispersed phase. Polymer matrix composites are very popular due to their low cost and simple fabrication methods. Use of non-reinforced polymers as structure materials is limited by low level of their mechanical properties such as tensile strength of one of the strongest polymers (epoxy resin) is 20000 psi (140 Mpa). In addition to relatively low strength, polymer materials posses low impact resistance as well. Besides that, the reinforcement tends to be stiffer and stronger than the matrix providing stiffness and strength. Reinforcement is laid in a particular direction, within the matrix, so that the resulting material will have different properties in different directions. As example, composites have anisotropic properties. This characteristic is exploited to optimize the design and provide high mechanical performance where it is needed. 2.2 Design of a Composites Shaft According to A.W. Thompson from Bristol Composite Materials Engineering Ltd, He has mentioned the two typical shafts side by side, one made in steel and the other in composites as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 Composite Drive Shaft (Upper) with Steel Shaft The illustration shows the simplicity of the design made possible by carbon fiber. The combination of high stiffness and low density in the composite enables a longer shaft to be made without reaching a critical whirling speed. The whirling speed of a rotating shaft is the speed at which it becomes unstable and defluxions occurs normal to the axis of rotation. The advantage in whirling speed is such as to enable most two piece steel shaft to be replaced with a single composite part. Besides that, weight and cost are reduced by dispensing with the central universal joint and the associated bearing. Moreover, N.V.H (Noise, Vibration and Harshness) factors are improved by the consequent isolation of the passenger compartment from drive line vibration following deletion of the centre bearing from underneath the drivers seat. Further reductions in N.V.H are possible by modification to the orientations of the fibres in the properller shaft tube, which effect longitudinal and radial stiffness. 2.3 Reason Selecting Polymer Matrix Composite as Material in Driveline Application The basic attraction of polymer matrix composite materials for driveshaft application is that they make it possible to increase the shaft length, which is otherwise constrained by bending resonance. For many vehicles, a one piece composite shaft may replace a two piece steel shaft which simplifies both the shaft and installation in the vehicle. Besides that, by using fibre reinforced composites, it is possible to arrange the fibre orientations in the tube so that the bending modulus has a high value (above 100Gpa) whilst the specific gravity is low (below 1.6). This leads to a favourable specific bending modulus and an enhanced critical speed as well. Figure 2 Critical Speeds for Automotive Propshaft According to A.W. Thompson from Bristol Composite Materials Engineering Ltd, the relationship between shaft length and critical speed for tubes suitable for automotive propshaft is illustrated in Figure 2. The graph shows that, for a particular application where a critical speed of 8000 rev/min is acceptable, the longest shaft possible out of steel is 1250 mm whereas a composite shaft of 1650 mm could be achieved. Thus, the maximum length for either shaft is reduced depending on the compliance of the end connections. For acceptable NVH (Noise, Vibration and Harshness), there must also be an adequate margin between vibration drivers and bending resonance of the shaft. Nevertheless, it is generally true that a composite shaft can be made longer than a steel shaft and that for automotive platforms where a two-piece steel shaft with centre support bearing is specified a one-piece composite shaft may be acceptable. This fundamental material property advantage is a powerful technical driver for composite shafts, and substantial weight savings can be achieved. One-piece shafts also simplify the design and engineering of the vehicle floor pan. Therefore, based on explanation above, it is obviously that I have chosen carbon fiber composite (one type of the polymer matrix composite) as the material for drive shaft and further material properties will be discuss in detail later as well. 2.3.1 Material Property of Carbon Fiber Composite (Polymer Matrix Composite) According to Core Composites, Division of ROM Development Corporations research, the material properties of Carbon Fiber Composite are as below: Features Benefits Extremely High Stiffness With a variety of modulus available from standard 33 msi to ultra high modulus pitch over 125 msi carbon fiber has the highest specific modulus of all the commercial reinforcing fibers. High Tensile Strength The strongest of all commercial reinforcing fibers in tension. Especially good for the tension skin on composite laminates. Excellent Corrosion Resistance Used in reinforcing concrete, carbon has good alkaline resistance as well as resistance to salt water and many other chemical environments. Excellent Fatigue Properties Used as a primary reinforcement for fatigue prone products such as helicopter and wind turbine blades as well as offshore power and driveline application. Excellent Compression Properties Proper fiber sizing for the resin matrix selected can yield impressive compressive properties but this quality can be quite difficult to measure with standard ASTM test methods and careful test specimen preparation is critical to achieve accurate result. Low Coefficient of Linear Expansion Carbon is a good tooling reinforcement for molds that will see temperature and where parts need tight dimensional stability. 2.3.2 Composite Shaft Performance According to the research that done by Tetsuyuki Kyono, Composites Development Center, Toray Composites (America), Inc. about the carbon fiber composites applications for auto industries, they have mentioned about carbon fiber composite drive shaft having crush worthiness. Crash load generated during head collision can be absorbed by newly developed joining technology with no adhesive between carbon fiber composite tube and steel adapter. This technology can add safety value to passenger cars in addition such as weight and noise reductions. Therefore, the performance data of the composite shaft should be take consideration as one of the main section in choosing the best material to apply in driveline application. Thus, they have evaluated torque carrying capability as index of shaft performance. One of typical data has been shown in Figure 3. It is noted composite drive shaft performed as expected up to 150à ¢- ¦C at static torsional test and showed much better fatigue resistance than steel system shown as target. Figure 3 Torsional Strength of Drive Shaft for 2000 Nm Class In Figure 4, residual torque carrying capabilities after exposure to various environments are shown in percentage compare with control data. As shown below has shown the reduction in performance of composite drive shaft is very minimal. Figure 4 Residual Torsional Strength (%) after Environmental Testing 2.3.3 Proving Test After the obvious laboratory tests above to show static strength and stiffness, fatigues tests are important as well. Carbon fibre has an excellent performance in fatigue and glass fibre is as good as most metals. A composite shaft has withstood 106 cycles of maximum torque as compared with the 104 cycles typically required of a steel shaft. Shafts were fitted to cars to gain road experience and demonstrate satisfactory operations. Such testing demonstrates that the component really works and meets all the criteria required. In this application, for instance, road use showed that: Temperature resistance to underbody environment was satisfactory Corrosion resistance (example: to salt spray was not a problem) Creep loading resistance was adequate Resistance to flying stone damage was not a problem End attachment strength was adequate Shock load capability was adequate Based on the proving test that has been done by A.W.Thompson, we knew that polymer matrix composites is suitable to be taken as material in driveline application such as making drive shaft or propeller shaft as well due to its attractive material properties and more affordable cost as well if compare with others material such as steel. 2.3.4 Crash Performance of Composite Propshafts According to Dr Andrew Pollard, GKN Technology, Wolverhampton, UK, he stat that increasing public interest in safe vehicles is encouraging car manufacturers and their suppliers to design components and systems that will perform well in a crash (2). The propeller shaft in rear- and fourwheel- drive cars is good example of this. Figure 5 Behaviour of Propeller Shafts in Frontal Crash In a frontal crash, the propeller shaft transmits forces from the engine/gearbox unit to the rear axle. Many vehicles today have a two-piece propeller shaft that can buckle at the centre bearing in any direction, depending on the joint position at impact. It is therefore virtually impossible to predict the axial force and the energy absorbed by the shaft in a crash. This is illustrated in Figure 5, contrasted with the behavior of a propeller shaft with a defined axial collapse mode. The target for crash-optimized propeller shafts is to achieve a defined behavior of axial force and displacement during an impact and consequently controlled energy absorption as shown in Figure 5. 3.0 Manufacturing Process of Carbon Fiber The process for making carbon fibers is part chemical and part mechanical. The precursor is drawn into long strands or fibers and then heated to a very high temperature with-out allowing it to come in contact with oxygen. Without oxygen, the fiber cannot burn. Instead, the high temperature causes the atoms in the fiber to vibrate violently until most of the non-carbon atoms are expelled. This process is called carbonization and leaves a fiber composed of long, and tightly. The fibers are coated to protect them from damage during winding or weaving. The coated fibers are wound onto cylinders called bobbins. The fibers are coated to protect them from damage during winding or weaving. The coated fibers are wound onto cylinders called bobbins. Moreover, the inter-locked chains of carbon atoms with only a few non-carbon atoms remaining. Here is a typical sequence of operations used to form carbon fibers from polyacrylonitrile. 3.1 Spinning First: Acrylonitrile plastic powder is mixed with another plastic, like methyl acrylate or methyl methacrylate, and is reacted with a catalyst in a conventional suspension or solution polymerization process to form a polyacrylonitrile plastic. Second: The plastic is then spun into fibers using one of several different methods. In some methods, the plastic is mixed with certain chemicals and pumped through tiny jets into a chemical bath or quench chamber where the plastic coagulates and solidifies into fibers. This is similar to the process used to form polyacrylic textile fibers. In other methods, the plastic mixture is heated and pumped through tiny jets into a chamber where the solvents evaporate, leaving a solid fiber. The spinning step is important because the internal atomic structure of the fiber is formed during this process. Third: The fibers are then washed and stretched to the desired fiber diameter. The stretching helps align the molecules within the fiber and provide the basis for the formation of the tightly bonded carbon crystals after carbonization. 3.2 Stabilizing Forth: Before the fibers are carbonized, they need to be chemically altered to convert their linear atomic bonding to a more thermally stable ladder bonding. This is accomplished by heating the fibers in air to about 390-590 ° F (200-300 ° C) for 30-120 minutes. This causes the fibers to pick up oxygen molecules from the air and rearrange their atomic bonding pattern. The stabilizing chemical reactions are complex and involve several steps, some of which occur simultaneously. They also generate their own heat, which must be controlled to avoid overheating the fibers. Commercially, the stabilization process uses a variety of equipment and techniques. In some processes, the fibers are drawn through a series of heated chambers. In others, the fibers pass over hot rollers and through beds of loose materials held in suspension by a flow of hot air. Some processes use heated air mixed with certain gases that chemically accelerate the stabilization. 3.3 Carbonizing Fifth: Once the fibers are stabilized, they are heated to a temperature of about 1,830-5,500 ° F (1,000-3,000 ° C) for several minutes in a furnace filled with a gas mixture that does not contain oxygen. The lack of oxygen prevents the fibers from burning in the very high temperatures. The gas pressure inside the furnace is kept higher than the outside air pressure and the points where the fibers enter and exit the furnace are sealed to keep oxygen from entering. As the fibers are heated, they begin to lose their non-carbon atoms, plus a few carbon atoms, in the form of various gases including water vapor, ammonia, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen, and others. As the non-carbon atoms are expelled, the remaining carbon atoms form tightly bonded carbon crystals that are aligned more or less parallel to the long axis of the fiber. In some processes, two furnaces operating at two different temperatures are used to better control the rate de heating during carboniza tion. 3.4 Treating the Surface Sixth: After carbonizing, the fibers have a surface that does not bond well with the epoxies and other materials used in composite materials. To give the fibers better bonding properties, their surface is slightly oxidized. The addition of oxygen atoms to the surface provides better chemical bonding properties and also etches and roughens the surface for better mechanical bonding properties. Oxidation can be achieved by immersing the fibers in various gases such as air, carbon dioxide, or ozone; or in various liquids such as sodium hypochlorite or nitric acid. The fibers can also be coated electrolytically by making the fibers the positive terminal in a bath filled with various electrically conductive materials. The surface treatment process must be carefully controlled to avoid forming tiny surface defects, such as pits, which could cause fiber failure. 3.5 Sizing Seventh: After the surface treatment, the fibers are coated to protect them from damage during winding or weaving. This process is called sizing. Coating materials are chosen to be compatible with the adhesive used to form composite materials. Typical coating materials include epoxy, polyester, nylon, urethane, and others. Eight: The coated fibers are wound onto cylinders called bobbins. The bobbins are loaded into a spinning machine and the fibers are twisted into yarns of various sizes. 3.6 Quality Control The very small size of carbon fibers does not allow visual inspection as a quality control method. Instead, producing consistent precursor fibers and closely controlling the manufacturing process used to turn them into carbon fibers controls the quality. Process variables such as time, temperature, gas flow, and chemical composition are closely monitored during each stage of the production. The carbon fibers, as well as the finished composite materials, are also subject to rigorous testing. Common fiber tests include density, strength, amount of sizing, and others. In 1990, the Suppliers of Advanced Composite Materials Association established standards for carbon fiber testing methods, which are now used throughout the industry. 3.7 Health and Safety Concerns There are three areas of concern in the production and handling of carbon fibers: dust inhalation, skin irritation, and the effect of fibers on electrical equipment. During processing, pieces of carbon fibers can break off and circulate in the air in the form of a fine dust. Industrial health studies have shown that, unlike some asbestos fibers, carbon fibers are too large to be a health hazard when inhaled. They can be an irritant, however, and people working in the area should wear protective masks. The carbon fibers can also cause skin irritation, especially on the back of hands and wrists. Protective clothing or the use of barrier skin creams is recommended for people in an area where carbon fiber dust is present. The sizing materials used to coat the fibers often contain chemicals that can cause severe skin reactions, which also requires protection. In addition to being strong, carbon fibers are also good conductors of electricity. As a result, carbon fiber dust can cause arcing and shorts in electrical equipment. If electrical equipment cannot be relocated from the area where carbon dust is present, the equipment is sealed in a cabinet or other enclosure. 4.0 Fabrication Process of Driveshaft by using Polymer Matrix Composite According to the project research that done by Alex Santiago from Texas AM University Kingsville, he has discussed the fabrication process of drive shaft by using polymer matrix composite which is carbon fiber as main material. As reference, the fabrication process by Alex has been taken for me to understand the hand make drive shaft by using carbon fiber in real life. Thus, the following fabrication process is belonging to Alex from Texas University which is worth to be taken as references in this topic discussion. There are several things to consider when picking a fabrication method. Time is a major consideration. There is little time for fabrication, so the fabrication process has to be quick. The fiber has to be laid at specific angles to give the shaft certain characteristics. The weave patterns have to be tight and compact. Resin has to be applied evenly. The shaft has to be wound in a way such that the yokes can be easily attached. The easiest fabrication method for creating a hollow tube is filament winding. Filament winding is an automated process in which a filamentary yarn in the form of tow is wetted by resin and uniformly and regularly wound about a rotating mandrel. The filament winder can be programmed to create specific and tightly wound patterns. To create a composite part on the winder, a winding pattern is needed, along with a mandrel, mold release, fiber, resin and hardener, a way to apply even pressure to the part and a curing procedure. The wind patterns were determined by using Laminate Design software created by Dr. Larry Peel. After entering mechanical properties for the resin and tow, different wind angles and layers were tried in the Laminate Design software until the driveshaft had the desired characteristics. Table 1 gives the wind angle and its purpose. The tow, resin and hardener, and adhesive are the most critical elements of the shaft. Each structural component must be carefully selected so that the shaft has good mechanical properties. The tow which was used in the Laminate Design Software calculations was chosen because it is strong, light weight, and aerospace quality carbon fiber. Fiber used by the aerospace, although expensive, is rigorously quality controlled. It was decided that this fiber would be uniform, therefore giving the driveshaft uniform properties. The resin and hardener were chosen for several reasons. First, the resin is tough. The resin also has a high viscosity. High viscosity is desired because, with the wet winding process, is easier to control the amount of resin being applied to the tow. Wet winding will be discussed further in the process section. Another reason for choosing this resin is its elongation at break. At 6% elongation at break, it is known that the resin will not be too brittle and that the wound shaft will have some flex for absorbing the shock between shifting gears. Finally this resin was chosen because of its high pot life. After mixing the resin and hardener, there is a little over two hours before it begins to gel. This is enough time to wind the entire shaft before the resin sets up. The adhesive was chosen for a few reasons. Foremost, the adhesive also met the criteria for high tensile lap shear strength at room and elevated temperatures. At room temperature the adhesive has lap shear strength of 4,200 psi. At 250 F the lap shear strength is 2,300 psi. Also, the adhesive is aerospace grade, ensuring high quality. Table 1 Wind Angles 4.1 Mandrels In order to produce the mandrel of a driveshaft, several derivations should have gone through. Mandrels made of cardboard tubing and solid shafts were considered. These ideas were never fabricated because it would be hard to remove the mandrel from the wound tube. The resin would cause the cardboard mandrel to stick to the shaft making it impossible to remove. A solid shaft of steel or aluminum would be heavy, and expensive to create. 4.1.1 Mandrel 1 Firstly, it was decided to create a mandrel made of steel muffler tubing which was split with a plasma cutter into four parts along its length. The idea was to wind the shaft, let it cure, then dismantle the mandrel and remove the tube. Next, two pieces machined out of steel were created and attached to the muffler tubing which allows the mandrel to be spun in the filament winder. One end is chucked into the winder the other end has a live center which spins on a center point. This mandrel did not work because the mandrel pieces could not be bolted to the machined ends in a way that they were square. This was due to the fact that the muffler tubing is cold rolled which means it is pre-stressed. Once the tubing was split into four pieces, each piece bowed. 4.1.2 Mandrel 2 A second mandrel was created using muffler tubing which was split into two pieces. This mandrel was square when bolted into place. To keep the tension of the fiber from pulling the gap in the mandrel closed, three round, wooden pucks were evenly spaced through the center of the mandrel. The second mandrel was used to create a practice drive shaft. The pucks were evenly spaced through the center of the mandrel. Shrink wrap tape, which shrinks and applies pressure when heated, is wrapped around the mandrel over the areas where the pucks are. The tape applies pressure and keeps the pucks in an upright position as shown in Figure 6. Once the pucks were set in place, a few dry runs were made with no resin. One pass of each fiber angle was wound. Figure 6: Wooden Puck in Mandrel Once the winding began, it became obvious that there was not enough turn around room. When winding a composite part, there are four defined areas on the part. The entire part consists of the head, the turn around, the useable shaft, and the tail. The winding layout is shown in Figure 6. The wind angle is the angle the fiber makes with the center line of the mandrel. The 45 degree and 15 degree wind angles did not have enough friction to stick to the mandrel in the turnaround areas. The fiber began to slip and bunch up, causing misalignment in the pattern. Figure 6: Winding Layout This created a new problem. To keep the fiber from slipping, the turnaround area needed to be lengthened. The mandrel at its current length just fits in the curing oven, making it impossible to lengthen the mandrel. To alleviate this problem, two pieces of pipe, about one foot long each, were threaded into the ends of the machined pieces as shown in Figure 7. Adding the extensions made more turn around area. These threaded pieces can be removed once the shaft is wound and the resin sets up. When the extensions are removed the mandrel can easily be placed in the oven to finish curing. Figure 7 Mandrel Extensions The wind patterns were tested again with the extended turn around room. The extensions and the change in diameter kept the fiber from slipping, and allowed for full uniform coverage by the fiber. The test patterns were removed, and resin and hardener were mixed and poured into the resin bath to start a practice shaft. The resin bath applies resin to the fiber before it is wound about the mandrel. The resin bath can be seen in Figure 8. A practice shaft was wound using the setup shown in Table 2. A practice shaft was wound for a few reasons. The practice shaft allowed testing of the wind patterns with the resin and the fiber together. Curing temperature and time could be observed. Dismantling the shaft can be attempted, and the shaft can be inspected for proper resin wet out, roundness, and overall strength. Table 2 Practice Shaft Wind Pattern Setup Figure 8 Resin Bath This was a very difficult process. First, the material that wrapped over the end caps had to be cut back in order to expose the bolts holding it to the mandrel. Once this was accomplished we began removing the bolts. Resin had seeped into the threads of some of the bolts causing them to stick. The head of one bolt was twisted off trying to get it out. This bolt was machined out. Once the caps were removed the shaft did not collapse as expected. The gap were the mandrel had been split had filled in with resin. A tubing cutter was used to cut the shaft into sections and then it was split in half with a band saw. A 2 foot piece was spared and slid off the shaft. The ridge left inside the shaft was 0.125 inches deep. This created a stress riser that severely reduced the integrity of the shaft. It was obvious that this mandrel was not going to work. 4.1.3 Mandrels 3 Improving upon the mistakes on the previous mandrels, a new, one piece, mandrel was made from aluminum tubing. The tubing maintained a 2.75 inch OD and was readily available. A 16 gauge 2.75 OD tube was purchased. The tubing is normally made for turbo charger inlet ducting. A test piece was cut from the tube to be used for testing. The test piece was wet sanded with 2000 grit sandpaper. A silicone mold release compound was applied to the test shaft. 90 ° test patterns were wound onto the piece and cured at 250 °F for 15 hours. We used a higher curing temperature in order to expand the aluminum mandrel while compacting the fiber. After curing was complete, we then placed the test mandrel in the deep freeze that was Ãâ€" ¾20 °F in order to shrink the aluminum tube. The test mandrel was removed from the freezer. The tube was impacted onto a block of wood while holding the fiber. The mandrel came out with no difficulty. This test was successful. The third mandrel was fitted to the end caps. The end caps were then bolted to the mandrel. Figure 9 shows the final mandrel. Figure 9 Final Mandrel of Driveshaft 5.0 Conclusion As conclusion, the potential for carbon fibre composites (one type of polymer matrix composite) in automotive drive shafts as a means of achieving substantial weight reduction has long been recognized and has been demonstrated in small volume since 1988. Finally, I think that polymer matrix composites is the most suitable materials which can applied in driveline application and engineers should find cost effective applications on it to bring this applications to fruitful use in future.
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